Chapter 9- Trick or treat

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43 days, it had been 43 days since the premiere, since a drunken confession, pancakes and conversation (and kissing lots of kissing). The pair had done a lot in their two months- pop-culture 101; horrors the classics,romcoms, Eminem,Taylor Swift, fleetwood mac and general understanding of the 21st century. Genius, a crash course for dummy's ; museums ,Beethoven ,Edgar Allan Poe ,the narrative of john smith, Arthur Conan Doyle. More kissing.
Yet birthdays and Halloween we're not something they had done and with it being the 27th of October she was running out of time to prepare One day until his birthday and 4 days until Halloween. Now some may think that the first birthdays or Christmas or anniversary's you spend as a couple are one of the most important dates in a relationship, not for these two. Halloween, Halloween was the most important thing to them. Evelyn had been planning there costumes for 8 months, being in a relationship had nothing to do with the fact they would have the most amazing scary costumes. Although they were no longer the appropriate age for trick or treating and had to settle for an adult-y Halloween party. (Which really wouldn't be that grown up as grace, whom was just as crazy about Halloween as them, would be hosting)Their costumes were iconic; ghost face and Casey Becker (the original scream victim) but when your dating an actress who has a degree in special effects or quite literally scary make up  you know it wouldn't be as simple as putting on a mask.

She dials a number of a familiar blond,whom two months ago had been passed out on their couch with a certain fbi profiler going by the name Derek Morgan and was refusing to give any further information,
"Good morning my gorgeous mrs Reid"
Grace was In a good mood, it was 6:45 which led to only one possible reason
"Are you at Morgan's ?" The taller brunette questioned through the phone she had been staying somewhere else for a few nights when Spencer and his team were in town
"Perhaps, but anyway I got Spencers cake for Halloween.I think this is amazing idea me you Morgan and the rest of his team" the blond called through the phone.
"Yeah I know I can't believe we have never met any of them I mean we have known Spencer for like three. But yeah thanks I got to go more birthday things to do tell Morgan I said hi"
"Will do love you bye"
"SO YOU ADMI- the sound of the call ending cut her of.
She finished getting ready ,grabbing her keys before her phone started ringing Spencer's contact flashed on the screen, she picked the phone up putting it in the crook of her neck as she left her apartment
"Ah doctor to what do I owe the pleasure"
"Hey ev .. um me and the team just got called away to present a profile. We-we already know the guy but they need us to give a profile and possible location and allies" her heart dropped she was desperately looking forward to spending Spencer's birthday just the two of them but she pushed her feelings aside
"Yeah that's ok will you be back for Halloween?" The disappointment painfully obvious no matter how hard she tried to cover it
"Oh yeah I should be but I will have to miss tomorrow I'm so sorry I- "
Before he could finish she heard an unfamiliar voice telling him to hang up she assumed it was Hotch "who are you even on the phone to over there pretty boy" a second voice chimed in she knew it could only be one person Emily, Spencer had told her a lot about Emily. As she listened to the conversation she heard Spencer move toward the voices making them clearer "so who is it ?"
"It doesn't matter"
"Come on Spence tell us" jj chimes in
"Spence?" Evelyn called through the phone while his team was still trying to find out who he was on the phone to
"It's my girlfriend ok can I just say goodbye " he snapped desperately trying to extend what would most likely be the last call for a few days.
her mouth dropped "girlfriend" he had never referred to her as girlfriend but they didn't really meet people for him to refer to her as such but either way it was the first and he knew that too because soon after he was scrambling for a good bye as the voices became louder, bombarding him with questions.

"Since when do you have a girlfriend"
"Who is she"
"Have we met her"
"Why haven't we met her"
"That's a good point why haven't we met her"
"What's her name"
"Garcia can find her even without her name but tell us give Garcia a break"
"Wait ago pretty boy"
"We should get on with the case"
"Our flight is six hours im sure we have time"
"Tell us"
Spencer was flooded with questions and the truth was his only way out
"Okay " he sighed wanting out of the hole he dug himself into
The plane went silent waiting for him to continue
"Her names Evelyn Lewis" he knew that they knew who she was
"We met before I joined the BAU when she was in school . When I was waiting for a letter to see if I had gotten the job I got bored so I went to new york and found my self at um the NYC FILM SCHOOL sitting next to her. "
Her and her friend....grace Moore (he also knew that they knew who she was) had just moved here from England, oh that reminds me that if we get back in time they are going to throw a Halloween party. And I said that you wouldn't want to come but they made me ask anyway and I'm rambling arent. So after the- "hang on a second we are invited to world class actresses Evelyn Lewis and grace moored personal Halloween party more importantly how do you know these people" Emily yelled she loved the after dark series and all of grace's prior films and was going slightly crazy
"I don't I mean I don't really know. But we started talking and went to get coffee 43 days ago me and Morgan accompanied them to a movie premiere and afterwards they um they got drunk"
"Um get off that high horse you weren't too sober your self " Morgan chimes in earning a chorus of laughs
Spencer was annoyed "I was legally aloud to drive you weren't technically legally allowed to ride a bike" but yeah I took Evelyn up to bed and she said she um that she liked me and that I should ask her out in the morning and then fell asleep .... So the next morning I asked her on a um on a date " after a couple other questions Spencer decided that an in depth background history wasn't necessary and moving from England to DC was for her career was enough background for the team (he wasn't about to say that she left a mentally abusive home with blunt parents and a psychotic brother and her friend left her abusive father he got a few "awwws" and "congrats" then came the personal questions
Spencer's cheek's reddened with each question refusing to answer all of them "hey why don't I tell you about how Morgan was flirting with a world class actress all night and didn't reciprocate until she had had 3 beers 6 shots and half a blender worth of cocktails" that story sparked some interest and soon the team was up to date on both grace and Evelyn. It was official Spencer was cool he was friends with the most famous actress at the moment and was dating another.

Ever after Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant