Chapter 22-jealousy

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Spence look at that one" Evelyn said in wonder as she pointed to the painting infront of her they were at an art exhibition just outside of dc having the peace they deserved when his phone started to buzz he let out a sigh before getting his phone and answering "we got a case" Morgan said tiredly over the phone "I'm not in Virgina it's going to take me at least thirty five minutes to get back" Spencer sighed and gave Evelyn a sorry look. "I'll get a taxi" he argued, she just shook her head and lead him to the exit arm interlinked with his own.

Three women had been killed the unsub had managed to live in close proximity to his victims without raising alarm that they had seen before. What's new is what the local PD had told them about the community itself. Demographically everyone is basically the same. Most of the parameters they would look for to build a profile seem to exist in most of the men. But they thought if the unsub had children, and the statistics tell us he probably does. Rossi had found agent Seaver she was in the academy and her father. Was a serial killer he had killed 25 women before she was 15. They needed her help to see if the family or the children would act differently to help them find the unsub. She was consulting on the case. She walked into the bau a few hours later with a go bag to meet the team. Agent Seaver this is Emily Prentiss Derek Morgan and dr Spencer Reid everyone this is agent trainee, Ashley Seaver, Agent Seaver is on loan to us from the academy while she's in remedial training with an injury. "I was remediated in the academy also." Spencer said grabbing his messenger bag "What was your issue?" Seaver asked curiously  Spencer gave her a small smile "What was my issue? Marksmanship, physical training, obstacle course, Hogan's Alley, you know, pretty much everything that wasn't technically book-related. They ultimately had to make exceptions to allow me into the field." He laughed quietly at himself. "Agent Seaver's going to accompany us to New Mexico. As a consultant." Hatch said. Derek looked confused "She is? Consult us on what" Rossi looked over to Hotch before speaking "She has a unique perspective." Seaver cleared her throat before looking back at Morgan, Prentiss and Reid "Seaver's not my original last name. It's my mother's maiden name. Mine used to be Beauchamp. My father is Charles Beauchamp." The three of them looked at each other in shock "As in the Redmond ripper Charles Beauchamp? He killed 25 women over 10 years in rural north Dakota Rossi you worked that case didn't you and hitch was on that team" Reid waffled notch looked back at Seaver "Based on her life experience, we were hoping that agent Seaver might recognize something in the family dynamics inside the community that could be helpful we have a plane waiting" Rossi lead Seaver out in front of the team. The crime scenes were all in a gated community. Once they arrived they signed in. The lead detective had moved all the evidence into a model home in the community so the team wouldn't have to leave. Prentiss and Morgan went to find the latest crime scene while Rossi Reid Hotch and Seaver went inside to review the evidence garcia had done background checks on the 64 suspects who fit the parameters to possibly be the unsub. Nothing stood out they were all vanilla. "So how's it going with the agent whose father was a... you know" Garcia said over the phone to Spencer. Spencer looked confused "How do you know that Garcia" he asked suspiciously. Turns out she may or may not have looked into someone's background. The detective and chief had interviewed every male in the community multiple times. most if not all of them were just shouting matches between the suspect and the detective. At the latest crime scene, Morgan and Prentiss were talking with the husband of the latest victim. He gave them his account of what happened before they left. Reid and Seaver were still going through evidence back at the modal home "All that stuff you said about BTK and the hillside strange let, that's all just in your head?" Seaver asked walking over to Reid "I have an eidetic memory." He said flipping through the files. Hotch walked into the living room where Reid and Seaver were set up "Seaver there's going to be a community meeting tonight we're all going to look for visual cues, but I want you specifically to concentrate on family interactions. Seaver agreed and Hotch told the chief to tell security to inform residents of a community meeting. And to tell residents it was important but not compulsory. An hour or so later people were signing in for the community meeting. Everyone was seated and Hotch asked everyone to come forward if they noticed anyone who could be out at an odd time and might have seen something. Whilst the rest of the team and Seaver were watching body language and interactions. Once the meeting was over they looked through the signup sheets eighteen men didn't show, and neither did Ruiz or the security chief. 20 suspects. At Main and Oak, another woman had been killed during the meeting. The unsub killed two nights in a row that's a major escalation. They went back to the modal home to look at all 71 men who lived in the community instead of the suspects Detective Ruiz gave them. They looked back at the three husbands of the victims. First was Phillip Long. No suspicions no arrests no IT background; next, drew Jacob's he had two arrest charges from when he was younger and he was an IT expert. Emily came back from getting their pet files and was filled in on the suspect drew Jacob's "Where's Seaver?" She wasn't in the modal home and the third victim's computer was gone. Hotch called her phone. She couldn't speak freely but managed to tell him she was with Mr Jacobs. The team drove over to the house that very second "Prentiss Morgan took the back and made a lot of noise to let him know he was caught. It may be the only chance she's got. Rossi and Hotch went upstairs Seaver was pinned against the wall, a knife at her throat and mr Jacob's daughter was in the doorway begging him not to hurt her "FBI drop the knife Mr Jacob's" Hotch called his gun pointed at him "I'm sorry baby" mr Jacob mumbled before running at Hotch with the knife

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