Chapter 12-shot of love

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The December air pelted her skin viciously as she wrapped a purple scarf ,she had stolen from Spencer, around her.
"Spencer please come with me"
"No I absolutely can not" he mumbled through the phone he was on the jet on his way to Arizona
"Why not?"
"Well as much as I'd love to meet your mother I'm not sure she would be appreciative of my presence"
"Well we're not going to see my mother I don't want to see her"
He was shuffling around as the questioning voices blended into the background
"I thought you said you were going to see your family in England?"
"I am my grandparents my dad and brother and my friends"
"Oh.... Well I'll see if I can get any time off how long are you going for?"
"12 days"
"Reid" a voice shouted in the distance"
"I gotta go I love you"
"You wha-" the line went dead

Spencer walked over to his seat where the rest of the team stared at him
"Planing a little trip are we lover boy" Morgan teased
"I guess so"
"Did u just say I-"
"How about we focus on the case." Hotch instructed
She swung the door she had just walked out of open. Re-entering the warmth of the house. "GRACE" she screamed as she ran up the stairs towards the blond girls room . A half asleep grace came running out of her room "who died" she stumbled trying to put her slipper on
"Me I died"
She let out a sigh as she walked towards the frenzied brunette at the bottom of the stairs
"What happened now he get shot poisoned someone call u for a ransom?"
"Why do you always assume my issues are about Spencer"
"Is it about Spencer...?" She spoke making her way to the kettle
"I mean yes but it's very serious"
"Is he dead or kidnapped"
"Then why'd you wake me up"
She spoke, the water from the kettle dulling her voice
Evelyn walked around the island to stand next to her. Her palm smacked against the back of her head
"OWW what was that for!"
"Because he said I LOVE YOU"
"Oh my god. What do you do"
"Uh. Cry have a panic attack call him hang up ignore him until he gets back cry some more."
"Seems like a good plan, You want to go get breakfast"
"Sure, didn't he tell you he loved you at Halloween"
Evelyn gave her a confused look "I don't even remember the week of Halloween that's how drunk I was"
The girls wrapped them selves in layers and layers of clothing shielding themselves from the fury of the December breeze and walked down to sals diner

The bell chimed as the door to the diner swung open
"Ahh if it isn't my two favourite movie stars, what can I get you."The large man cheered through his Italian accent.
"Hot chocolate?"
"With extra cream and some secret pancakes?" The man laughed
"Sal, my dear Sal what would we do with out you"
The two girls walked over to their usual booth in the back corner to wait for their food.
A couple of minutes later Sal walked over holding two plates and two mugs, with a mountain of cream perched at the top.
"Where r the FBI boyfriends?"
"We never told you that. Ah Sal do you work for the fbi?"
"Nah I wish your little twig came to interview me a few months back. Some killing in like November early November. Real tragic two brunette girls in their 20s"

"Brunette girls in their 20s
In November? When was Harvey here?
November, but that's just a coincidence
Yeah Spencer would have told me if Harvey had killed someone. He was crazy but he was never that crazy was he? Could he do that?"

"Earth to Ev. Your foods gonna go cold and I didn't just slave over that stove for my delicious pancakes to go to waste."

"Sorry Sal, hey Where is Issey today?"
"Uhh...... she had a job interview you know how she wants to run her own place"
Issey was one of the waitresses at sals she was a few years younger then Evelyn. And she was gonna own her own café. Eventually.

"Thanks Sal there not my pancakes but I'm sure there alright" grace flicked her hair over her shoulder
"Oh please you almost set the house of fire last time you tried to cook. Stick with toast Gracie"
The man burst out laughing walking away from the table
"Anyway how's things going with Morgan"
Her face flushed warm against the icy wind thrashing through the slowly closing door of the diner.
"Yeah good. He asked me to help him remodel a house. You know he does that. Derek he remodels houses then rents them out"
They spoke and they laughed for a few hours until their busy lives called forth and they were whisked off to set.
"Spence wait up" he turned around to see JJ jogging towards him
"I wanted to talk to you"
He pocketed his hand as she ushered him into a room
"Did you say I love you to Evelyn?" She spoke softly inching towards him
"Oh I- um I- eh was it to soon it, it was wasn't it, it was too soon"
"No I just, I are you sure?"
"Sure about what"
"About, Evelyn. I mean she seems really nice but your lives will be for everyone else. Reporters photos tv specials? That might be part of this."
"Look I've known her for three years it hasn't been a problem before and I was in the magazines when I was with Lila archer in L.A
I can handle it will be fine, look I appreciate your concern but I love Evelyn"
He walked out of the room and rejoined the others
The team had made some head way in the case and had delivered the profile but Hotch had told everyone to go back to there rooms and get some rest. They were put up in a motel of the highway by the police station and Spencer had the luxury of his own room. Which didn't offer happen. It was 1:03 by the time he got back to his room so decided to just message Evelyn he didn't want to wake her up. It would already be four in Washington so she would be asleep

Hey we just finished for the day, it's been really hectic today so I'm sorry I haven't gotten a chance to call you yet. Call me tomorrow well today when u wake up good night
He placed his phone down and went to the bathroom to shower
Fifteen minutes he came back to the main room and settled into bed. Then his phone buzzed
From: Ev
I should have messaged you earlier but got busy work was crazy today. Doubt as much as yours though I am really mad at you though and I want you to know I won't say it

Why was she angry he could understand that she might not be ready to say I love you but him saying it shouldn't make her mad? He placed his phone on the bedside table and turned over
Then it buzzed again
From: ev
Call me.

He did as he was asked of and dialled her number
Why are you awake it's 4:19
Because I couldn't sleep
Well why are you mad at me then
Because you said it
I said I love you ?
Why are you mad about that
You said it over the phone

Of course that's what it was, she was a sucker for the romantics him saying I love you over the phone was a bit like a slap to the face. Of course she appreciated it but she couldn't help the nagging feeling that he didn't mean it  that he didn't love her and that feeling was eating her alive she cared for him so dearly she loved him and if there was a possibility he didn't love her that this was all superficial she couldn't bear the thought

Evelyn Lewis?
Spencer Reid.
I love you very much. In the last three years you have become the most important person in my life and I have loved you in a way I thought impossible for those three and every day you find a way to make me love you even more. And these last four months have been just as amazing if not more then every other day I've had the pleasure to spend with you.

Her sobs flooded through the phone and although he hated it when she cried, her sobbing over his 4 am speech made him smile
I'm still not going to say it
That's oka-
Not until I see you in person. Good night Spencer
Goodnight Evelyn, I love you now go to sleep
See you soon
He hung the phone up and went to sleep. With a smile unwilling to go as he surrendered to the peaceful relief of slumber

Ever after Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ