Chapter 18-silent treatment

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It had been a three days since Evelyn had spoken with Spencer and nervous thought were swirling around her head. It was April 4th when he left on a case they were at her house sleeping when he got a call from Rossi, he looked worried and just said "I have a case I've got to go" but somehow it didn't feel like just any case most of the time he will call her a few times or at least send her a couple of text. But nothing, she decided to ignore her worries. After all it had only been three days since he left, so she pocketed her phone got dressed and went to go make breakfast.
"Evv hello gorgeous" Grace called from the kitchen she was making coffee. "Hey Gracie, you know what I was thinking"
"I do not whatcha' thinking"
"Let's go get breakfast"
"Of course"
"Ah girls to what do I owe the pleasure" Sal cheered
"Hey Sal you didn't think we could manage a whole week without you did you" Grace laughed
"Your booths open Cherrie will be over when your ready" he smiled Cherrie was the new waitress Sal had hired after his only waitress resigned to start her own bakery on the other side of DC.
"Thanks Sal" Evelyn smiled as the two walked to the table and sat down"
"Gracie...., did Morgan tell you what this case was I'm worried something doesn't feel right"
"Um yeah the reapers back he sent someone something to let hotch know he's back."
"Oh my god. Are Halley and jack still in witness
"Yeah. Someone got sent a letter or something and they have been looking for foyet for like two weeks they got a lead like three days ago there looking for him"
"Oh god"
"But I have something to tell you. You know how you and Spencer have been dating for like seven months. Well Derek asked me to move in to the house I helped him move into the house we were renovating. I said yes"
"Oh my god that's great" Evelyn smiled
"You knew didn't you"
"Since December"
"Anyway since you and Spencer practically live in our house I figured you two would just stay there"
"Really are you sure"
"Yeah I mean he's got most of his stuff there already. Grace smiled
"Ah thank you so much Gracie" Evelyn squealed wrapping Grace in a. Tight hug. Just then a tall girl with long jet black hair came up to their table "ha-hello I am cherrie what can I give you" she had a heavy Vietnamese accent and was stumbling across the right English words
"Hi can I get the fruity french toast." Gracie smiled pointing to the menu "okay for you" she gestured to Evelyn "could I have the berries smoothie bowl"
"Smoothie bowl okay yes"
"Thank you" the two girls said as cherrie left the table". The girls chatted for a while before their food came after that they went to work.
"Okay right Evelyn I think I've got all your measurements for the dress if I need you you'll be on set right?"
"Ye-" her phone buzzed
"One second" she said slipping out of the room the answer it
"Spencer? I missed you, you haven't called. Are you okay is Hotch okay I heard the reaper was back"
"Haley is dead"
"What what happened"
"Foyet called her pretending to be a witness protection officer and got her to go back to her old home. He killed her"
"Oh my god Spencer is jack okay"
"Yeah hotch got him to hide before everything happened he's okay"
"We'll where are you do you need anything"
"I'm at Quantico I know your at work but when do you finish"
"No forget about work I'll come see you for a bit"
"No I can't ask you to do that"
"We can get lunch, well maybe you don't want to eat right now but we could go on a walk or something"
"When do you get off for lunch"
"Okay so I'll pick you up at one"
Okay. Spencer?"
"I love you so much"
"I love you too I'll see you at one okay"
The next fourth five minutes ticked by painfully slow until it finally hit 1:00 she got in her car and drove to Quantico.
"Hello how may I help" the lady at the front desk said with a half smile
"I'm here to see doctor Spencer Reid in behavioural analysis"
"Reason" she said typing on the computer infront of her
The woman grabbed something from under the desk "you got to keep the lanyard on at all times to show you have been granted access to be here." She passed the lanyard to Evelyn
"Okay thank you" Evelyn smiled
"Do you know which floor he's on"
"Yeah I'm all set" she smiled as she walked towards the elevator.
"Evelyn?" She heard a voice call out from behind her, she turned around not completely sure who it was. She turned around and a little ways behind her was jj running towards the elevator with a white donut box in hand "oh hi jj" she said as jj finally caught up to her.
"Is everything okay here Spencer told me what happened" she asked clicking the button for the elevator "we're managing" JJ said giving her a weak smile before stepping into the elevator. The doors shut and began to go up the floors "I don't think Spence is going to be free for maybe an hour or so, we have a meeting about what happened."
"Oh he didn't say anything." She spoke slightly disappointed. The elevator dinged a final time and the doors opened onto the behavioural analysis unit. Morgan Prentiss were sitting around Spencer's desk "guys I brought donuts and another treat for Spencer" jj called holding the white box in the air the three turned around to great JJ "hey Ev how's it going" Morgan called as the two of them walked over "I'm good Morgan how's the house coming along"
"Almost there three days tops"
"Finally the boxes are taking over my life, hey Spence" she smiled at him as he walked towards her "hi, how are you" he gave her a coy smile.
"I'm um I'm good, I missed you" her face grew hot as his team sat listening to their first conversation in three days ,now three days isn't a lot. But it is when he leaves in the middle of the night and doesn't even send a text it feels longer than it seems, "could we speak in private, I know you guys have a meeting soon but is that all right" she smiled twiddling her thumbs together.
"Yeah of course, follow me" he extended his hand out to her which she gladly took and walked her into the hallway by Garcia's office.
"So are you okay." She said still not letting go of his hand "yeah I'm fine I mean jacks fine but I just feel awful for hotch I wish I could have pieced it together quicker maybe I could have prevented it."
"Oh Spence you couldn't possibly have stopped that awful man no one could have, that magical brain of yours couldn't stop it it's not your fault" she said heartbreak sewn through her voice she enveloped him in a hug "anyway are you okay I know I left at a pretty bad time for you"
"Oh don't worry about me" she gave him a weak smile "but are you okay" he gave her a concerned look "I um, I missed you" she gave him a smile
"Oh my god Evelyn Lewis, I have missed you" Garcia squealed opening the door to her office seeing Evelyn and Spencer out side.
"Penny G. Hey how are you lovely"
"Perfect now I've seen you"
Penelope wrapped Evelyn in a tight hug and lead both of them into the bullpen where everyone was eating the donuts jj had brought in a few minutes before. "Hey jj did you get the-
"Chocolate with sprinkles, your favourite, yes I did in the box on your desk" jj laughed at his sudden childish expression. "Ev do you want one" he said taking one of the donuts out of the white box "um, yeah okay" she asked walking over towards him "there's jam donuts" he whispered giving her a little smile "I love jam donuts" she squealed taking one from the box "I know" he said his smile growing slightly at the sight of her. Everyone was smiling until the phone rang at Jennifer's desk. "Guys Strauss is ready for us, Emily your first. The room became stiff and Emily left "I should get going then"
"I'll walk you down" Spencer said stabbing his messenger bag "oh it's fine you don't have time for that" Evelyn said
"Yes it's fine the interviews are usually around 11 minutes anyway come" he took her hand and walked her to the elevator. They got in and hit the ground door button, the doors shut and the elevator started to go down the levels "I missed you too, but honestly are you sure your okay" he said reposting his bag "I've just been lonely, grace has spent the last few days at their new house getting things ready and I was just kind of all alone and I know I should be able to be alone but it's just been a hard few months" she said looking down at her feet "your allowed to feel that way it's been a lot for you these past months and I promise when we move in together I will be with you every moment I can" he gave her a smile and wrapped her in his arms the doors to the elevator opened and they walked to the front desk to give back the visitor lanyard. He walked her out side into the parking lot and they walked to her car "hey I um I got you something I was going to give it to you but then I got called away at 3.11 am so I never really got the chance but do you want it now" he started to rummage through his bag "of course I do" she smiled excitedly, he took out a small framed photo and passed it to her. It was a picture of her grace and the team "for our new house" she looked up at him and gave him a sweet kiss "I love it, and I love you" she whispered into the crook of his neck he put his hands around her waist and gave her another kiss "I really do have to get back" she said sadly pulling away from his hug "I'll see you tonight want me to get food" Spencer questioned him opening her car door "what time do you get off I can pick you up and we can both pick up food " she smiled getting in her car "should be done by four" she started her car "I love you I'll see you soon" she said as she pulled out of the car park and left. Spencer walked back into the building and went to his floor. Emily was still in Strauss' office and every one else was waiting intently in the ball pen.
Grace was on set finishing a scene when Evelyn returned to set "I loved you Arthur, I always did" she whispered between gasps, Grace was being killed off the show after two seasons. It was odd circumstances concerning she was moving out and leaving the show all in the span of a week but she couldn't do anything about it. "EVELYN GO TO THE DRESSING ROOMS UR SCENE IS COMING UP" the director shouted she nodded and started to walk away "lynny, how's my fav gal" she rolled her eyes at the name, Issac was her new co-star who played a vampire called Isaiah. Issac was not the favourite out of the cast for anyone. He gave everyone annoying nickname which everyone hated like Lynny. He decided on this as the end of her name was lyn. Now it wasn't the worst nickname he had given someone on set grace was racey Noel was dressy pants and he started calling the director cap'n.
"Hi Issac" she sighed as he caught up to her "so Lynny where'd you go for lunch."
"No where special how about you" she smiled politely "oh me too yeah nothing amazing just this café called sals" sals her sals, sals was fifteen minutes away from set and there were at least fourteen restaurants cafés bars and fast food places before sals "really that's pretty far from set" she questioned with the same polite tone "yeah I know wasn't great either don't understand why you and grace love it so much" she turned the corner and he followed "oh you know me and grace go there" they were in front of Noel's room. "Yeah you mentioned it a few days ago figured I'd see what the fuss was about." He smiled and her apprehension disappeared "of course, right well I've got to get ready I'll seen you in a bit Issac" he smiled and she slipped into Noel's room. She got ready and went back to the set "Evelyn come here quickly" the director called as she left hair and makeup. She walked over to him and sat in the seat next to him "you read the script so you know Issac is your new love interest" she let out a small sigh "yeah I know" the director looked up at the crew preparing the next scene "well we added another tiny bit you have to kiss him" he said his gaze focused on not looking at her "let me speak to Spencer but it should be fine" Evelyn had never done a romantic movie or any that really involved her kissing someone and she definitely hadn't since her and Spencer met. She knew he wouldn't have a problem with it but she had to check just incase. She walked to the side of the room and called Spencer's desk phone. "Hello doctor Reid's desk" it wasn't Spencer who had picked up the phone it was Morgan "hi Derek is Spencer with Strauss?" She had only left a little over an hour ago so she figured the interviews were still going on "yeah but he should be done any second stay on the line and I can check" she heard him put the phone down and walk away a few minutes later someone picked up the phone "Ev?" It was Spencer "hi Spencer I need to ask you something quick because we're about to shoot a scene. My new colleague, Issac I have to kiss him in a scene are you okay with that" she spoke quietly
"It's fine it's your job you don't have to ask me" she smiled "ok I've really got to go but we can talk when I get home. I love you"
"Love you too goodbye" he said before hanging up. Evelyn gave the director a thumbs up before sitting down and starting the scene
"Isaiah enough of this nonsense leave now" she stood up to pour a drink when he turned her back around "I will not leave you have spent five hundred years alone and I want to spend the next five hundred years making you feel loved I adore you Cecelia if I could live an hour being loved by you I'd die happily if I took a steak to the heart"
This character is SO pathetic my character deserves someone better "I do not love you though so may your death be painful you are not my love and I was not unloved for five hundred years found love a love that consumed me and that is what kept me alive in that coffin and YOU  took that away from me your reasoning and excuses mean nothing because You Isaiah you are the one that took him" she ripped her arm from his grasp and stared deeply into his eyes
"You can love me. You are allowed" Isaiah pleaded. She stood silently and he kissed her. She kissed him back. It was passionate, at least it looked passionate it was meaningless. She wanted to be kissing Spencer.
She pulled away and walked off set where Grace was watching the scene unfold. "Chills literal chills, that was amazing ev" Grace squealed running up to her and giving her a hug. They spent the next few hours shooting one more scene before the cast began to leave "Lynny wait up" Issac called running up to her "hi Issac I'm about to leave do you need something." Evelyn smiled as he stood in front of her "no I don't need anything just wanted to say you were great today and your a great kisser" he laughed awkwardly
"Oh um thank you" Evelyn anxiously laughed "I have to get going now" she said excusing herself to her car. She drove over to Quantico to pick up Spencer. As she pulled into the car park him and Morgan were walking out of the building "ah pretty lady perfect timing" Morgan called as she got out of the car "how was it" she said giving Spencer a hug "Strauss was trying to blame Hotch for everything" Spencer said placing his arm around her "right love birds everything is finished I'm going to get Grace" he smirked as he started to walk to his car. "What do you mean I thought you said you needed like three more days" Evelyn asked confused "I did but now I don't" he said walking away. Spencer and Evelyn got in her car and drove the Thai place by Quantico ordered their food and went back home. When they arrived grace was waiting on the sofa. Grace ran up to Evelyn and started to cry "we're not going to live together anymore" she bawled "your gonna leave and i have to live with a boy" Evelyn sobbed "there kind of gross I think we should stay here" Grace laughed through her tears "your one might be that's why I had first dibs Spencer "you called dibs me" Spencer laughed as Evelyn nodded her head "now go because I don't want to ruin my makeup" Evelyn laughed, still bawling "I think it's already ruined" Grace laughed whipping the tears from her face "I'll see you soon" Grace said as she walked out the door her final box in hand. The door shut and Spencer and Evelyn were left in their home
"We live together" Evelyn said just coming to the realisation "that we do" Spencer smiled whipping the tears away from her face.

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