Chapter 24- normality is relative

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When they got back home Spencer went to bed, Evelyn tried to cancel the flights for vegas in three days. The cancellation fee is probably going to be more than the actual flight. She made him a coffee and crept into the bedroom and sat the mug on the bedside table before crawling into bed next to him "I'm so sorry love" she whispered into the top of his head that was just enough for him to let out a quiet sob. They sat like that until 6am the next day when Evelyn had to leave for work "go see JJ or Morgan and Grace okay I don't want you sitting here alone. And I'm gonna call both of them to make sure. I love you Spencer." She blew him a kiss before slipping out the door and getting in her car. She had booked four other jobs from now into next year.

Over the next ten weeks Evelyn finished filming and Spencer had gone to a few therapy sessions after practically being forced and JJ returned to the BAU. Life was finally starting to get back on track but there was still an Emily shaped hole missing from their lives. Spencer had rebooked the flight to vegas for next week and she was finally going to meet his mother.

Over the past 8 months Evelyn had been teaching Spencer to cook he had Been cooking dinner once a week when he was at home, Wednesday. Some days it was a disaster and they would order takeout other times it was better than anything she could have done. Today Spencer wanted to try and make chicken parm. Evelyn was in the bath her CD player was cranked up so they could both listen to it. "Ev I um I think it s-should be done in around 10 Minutes if your ready" he called from outside the bathroom door "yeah I'll be out in a second" she called back slipping out of the tub. She got dressed and roughly dried her hair so it wouldn't drip and went to the kitchen "it smells amazing Spencer" she smiled grabbing the cutlery and making them both a drink. He dished out their plates and set them down. "Thank you Spencer" she mumbled wrapping her arms around his neck. She gave him a kiss melting into him. Then his phone buzzed. She pulled away from him and he picked it up looking at the contact "hi JJ" She couldn't hear the other side of the conversation but it was something serious his eyes widened and panic glossed over them "I'll be there in eight minutes" he hung up the phone rushing over to grab his messenger bag "is everything okay love?" She asked worriedly
"Th-they the team t-they found Declan Doyle." He said giving her a kiss on the forehead before rushing out the door. She sat down and ate. It was incredible one of the best things he had ever made. It was just a shame he couldn't try it himself.

Three months ago Morgan and Garcia found the location of Declan Doyle, Ian Doyle's son who Emily had hidden with his nanny to protect him. And It was only a matter of time before Ian found Declan himself,
And he did.
Ian was in custody and Declan was missing. They had one suspect who was seen on video outside Declan's home before cutting the footage. Richard Gerace, a low level gun runner who had a run in with Doyle twenty years ago.

The team had been torn apart and put back together Hotch had been sent to Pakistan once JJ came back and was part time unit chief. He had only just gotten back as Doyle had been taken into custody
"JJ get everyone to the round table we need to tell them" Hotch said with more emotion then most of the time. "But Morgan thinks he can break him we don't need to bring her in" JJ argued "Declan tried to make a call she's already on her way in" Hotch said walking to the round table. A few minutes later the team was sat around the table "is everything okay?" Penelope asked,confused
"Seven months ago,I made a decision that affected this team.As you all know, Emily had lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle. But the doctors were able to stabilize her and she was airlifted from Boston to Bethesda under covert exfiltration.Her identity was strictly need-to-know. And she stayed there until she was well enough to travel. She was reassigned to Paris where she was given several identities, none of which we had access to,for her security." Hotch said quickly
"S-She's alive?" Penelope had tears falling from her face by now
"But we buried her." Spencer mumbled confused
Hotch cleared his throat "As I said, I take full
responsibility for the decision. If anyone has any issues, they should be directed toward me." Morgan started to shout but there was someone there footsteps echoed down the hall leading right behind Morgan "Emily?" Garcia gasped tears flowing.

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