Chapter 13- just another case

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He woke up to pounding  on his door
"Pretty boy wakey wakey" Morgan called out from the the hallway
"Uh yeah okay I'm awake." He got up and opened the door letting Morgan in
"You look like death did you sleep last night"
"I-um I think so for a bit at least"
"You want some coffee"
"Very much"
They stopped at a coffee shop and picked up enough caffeine to sustain the entire team for a few hours.
"Ah my hero's" JJ rejoiced and enveloped the two boys in a hug
The case they had been called out on was an emergency it was a doctor who had received a letter saying that someone wanted to kill the doctors son and if he tried to protect him one person would die every day in his sons place.
The team were talking to the doctor about his son trying to find possible suspects when dr. Barton received a phone call
Hello, jeffery !
Morgan checked the boys room "he's not here" Morgan called from the top of the stairs
Jeffery where are you
I'm at... school, I'm ok tell the police that, tell them I'm fine. I love you .
The call ended and dr Barton stood up and ran out to the door
"Dr Barton wait"
"I'm going to get Jeffery"
"Yes I understand dr but the safest place for Jeffery once he left this house was school come inside and let agent Prentiss explain everything" Morgan spoke calmly ushering dr Barton back inside once he was sitting down Prentiss explained why Jeffery would be safer at school.

Reid called Garcia to retrieve dr Barton's patient records from the last six months.
Since their last case last night where they were chasing the ripper Hotch had been offline he probably just slept in they only got back in the early morning. And still no one had heard anything from him.
While jj and Morgan were at the school watching Jeffery. Reid and Prentiss stayed to look through the heaps of patient files and tried to narrow down the suspect list.
"Let's concentrate on the note.For starters, we know that he's male." Reid passed the note back over to Emily
How can you be sure?
"Women tend to add adjectives And very specific details to their notes.This has none of those. Males are also more direct.First sentence..."i plan to k*ll your son."Emily responded
"And their notes tend to be more about themselves Than the person they're writing to."I watched you every day." "I will watch you lose everything." Spencer continued
"We know he surveilled you and your son, Which means he either has enough money To be away from a regular job Or he's currently unemployed.
He's most likely a father.He's clearly grieving.
He's taken great measures to make sure you feel his pain.Let's start with cases involving teenagers k*lled, But also anyone with a strong family presence." Emily said handing a pile of case files to Reid.
"Jeffrey is leaving school in 5 hours.There's no way we can get through all these patients in this time." Emily sighed tossing the file she was holding
"Well, now, we've narrowed it down already." Reid riddled through the files he was reading
"And we still have 100 left. I could be at hotch's and back in an hour" Emily said standing up and walking towards the door
"Fine hurry" Reid complied grabbing a new file as Emily ran out to the SUV
Reid had filed through about 30 patient files since Emily had left them his phone started to buzz
"Hey Emily ......What?
What...what are you talking about?What's going on?Is this about jeffrey?
"No, no, it's unrelated."
"We only have a few hours left here."
"I'm really sorry, I have to take this phone call, ok?"
"What could be more important than my son right now?"
"I assure you, this will take one second. Please, I promise."
Once Spencer had found a room he could talk in Emily filled her in on what she had found out
"What's going on"
"It's Hotch, the ripper found him there is blood in his apartment he was just entered into saint Michael's as a John Doe. He has nine stab wounds."
"What are you sure ok you have to stay there I'll keep working here"
"What no I can't ask you to do-"
"Em I can read 20,000 words a minute I'll just work faster then I have been it will be fine we will fix this just make sure Hotch is okay"
She said her good byes and hung up the phone
"Agent Prentiss has been called away about an unrelated emergency so it's going to just be us two"
"WHAT, my son is being threatened two people are dead why won't you help"
"Doctor I appreciate your concern but I assure you I'm doing everything I can emi- I mean agent Prentiss wanted to come back and help but was in greater need back at Quantico. So let's start We know he's been k*lling hispanic males as surrogates.Did you separate the case files? All right, how many of the surgeries Fit the criteria?
"Um, 82."
"All right.Now let me ask you this.On how many of those dates Did you operate on somebody else as well?"
"It was um, 75."
"Did any of those patients die on the table"
"10. Um, no, wait. 11."
"11. That's where we start."

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