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"Mum I don't want to go!" I exclaimed in response of my mum groaning at me to pack my bags, "Melissa, you're going, no matter what!" she shouted back in abhor. Angrily, I growled back and stormed off, I don't want to move to Melbourne, I'll have to leave behind memories, family and friends. "Why do we have to move to Melbourne anyway!?" I screamed, no answer; I repeated myself again and again, however just got the same non existing response each time. Honestly, I swear to god she annoys me so much. Once I got up the stairs, I sauntered into my bedroom, placing myself on my neatly made bed and took out a picture from a box, staring at the framed photograph of me and a group of friends, '2010 summer' was written on the back of the photo, a few tears fell down my cheek, making me think about all the memories I had with them-how was I going to tell them? I wasn't used to such aberration, this was the first time moving house, never mind country! After a few minutes of thinking, I grabbed a PINK bag and a suitcase, I started packing my plane essentials into my PINK bag and my clothes into the suitcase, along with a few other things I may need in my suitcase instead of boxes.

Finally, I finished packing and grabbed some spare comfy clothes to wear while we sort everything out, we're not moving for another few days. My mums notice was pretty late as we're moving in two days, I started to apply some natural makeup, mascara, BB cream and an EOS lip balm. I pulled out my laptop from my desk and checked twitter and YouTube. 

Before I left London, I wanted to have my last shopping trips here-as I have no idea what shops will be in Melbourne, for all I know there might not even be a Victoria's Secret there and it's my second home! "Mum I'm going shopping!" I smiled at her before throwing on some uggs, Michael Kors sunglasses and grabbing my MK purse with a nude pattern lining. Mum nodded as I stepped outside, closing the door behind me and walking to the train station. 

Luckily, I didn't live too far away from the train station which meant it was about a ten minute walk if I trudged. Once I arrived, a train was five minutes away-I took a seat at my stop and started to get out my train fare, handing over my money to the ticket man. The train pulled up, stopping where I stood, I stepped onto the train, resting on the wall of the train as there was no free seats. 

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