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"Melissa, Melissa, wake up baby." Beau whispered in my ear, causing me to jump, "Shit. What's the time beau?" panicking because of school, I asked. "6AM, why babe?" he laughed, "school, duh!" he continued to laugh, "what?" I confusingly asked, "it's Saturday honey" I laughed at my stupidness and grabbed my phone. 10 missed calls of my mum. I headed over to the bathroom and called my mum, I explained how I slept over at my 'friends' because it was too late and I didn't have a ride home, she was cool with it but I needed to be home by 7. I told beau what she said and he agreed, "my mum wakes up at 6:30 anyway so you better go incase she finds out" I nodded and grabbed my phone and shoes, Beau dropped me off on a street behind mine so my mum didn't catch me, before I left I pecked his lips and ran down to my house and entered through the back door. "Which friends were you at Melissa?" was the first thing my mum said to me when I walked through the door, "Emily's, why?" I lied. She didn't seem so convinced, "mmhh."
"what! I was!?" I exclaimed. She looked at me dead in the eye, "I can tell you're lying Melissa, tell the truth." I wasn't gonna get away with this one. "I'm telling you the truth mum!" She raised one eyebrow before asking, "who is this so called, Beau?" Oh, great. How did she find out! That's it, continue to lie-"he is in my class at school, why?" I will never tell her that I slept at his house- I would be grounded forever. "What about this?" she handed over my laptop with a picture of me sleeping and Beau smiling with the caption 'what a cutie LOL' "oh my god! I didn't even know he posted this! He is Emily's cousin and he was staying over? What's the big deal?" Mum rolled her eyes are signaled me to walk off and handed my laptop over, I can't believe she would look on my laptop!

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