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Today is the day. I'm going to either have the best day ever or the worst day ever, there's no in between. I checked the time; 7:00AM, I have an hour to get ready, great. I slipped on some black leggings, brown uggs and my baby pink hollister hoodie and applied a small amount of makeup; concealer, white eyeshadow, lip balm, eyeliner and mascara. After that I checked my phone and replied to some tweets and comments on my facebook and instagram. All of a sudden my alarm went off, 8:00 AM. Crap, I grabbed my bags I packed last night and rushed downstairs. I quickly brushed my hair and grabbed a smoothie, I rushed to the bus stop and waited for the bus. Once I got on the bus I got really nervous, what if everyone ignores me? No, I'm the 'new girl' everyone will talk to me, right? I don't know.

I quickly got off the bus and walked into school, on my way into the gates I saw a familiar face in the corner. It was beau. He walked over and I tried to hide my face so he wouldn't spot me, too late. "Melissa! Hey!" he shouted and smiled as he got close, "hey, beau." I replied quietly, covering my mouth and chin with my hand which my hoodie covered. "So, uh; what class are you in?" he asked. "Mr Greens" I grunted, his face lit up as I said that, "oh my god, same!" There was a long silence before he broke it, "I can show you around school if you want?" he politely said. "I'm fine, thanks anyway Beau, I gotta go." I rushed away and his face dropped. He shook his head and continued to walk to the yard. I headed up to the office to get my timetable. Once I got to the office, there was a girl who was standing there with long curly reddish hair, brown eyes and glasses. She was waiting in the same area as me so I decided to start the conversation, "hey" I smiled, she smiled back. "hey, you're the new girl, right?" she replied, 'new girl.' "yeah, I moved here from London and it's really different here so I'm a bit confused, haha."

"Oh my god, I love London! My aunt goes there every summer. I've always wanted to go to England, it's so nice there; I love the accents! I can hang around with you today if you want? my names Emily, what class are you in?" she smiled, 'Emily.' that's a nice name, she seems really kind too. "London isn't really that good to be honest hah, and that would be great thank you, I'm Melissa and I'm in Mr greens class." I hoped she be in the same class. "Great! I'm in Mr greens too! there's a spare seat with me, Chloe, Maddie and Aleisha." That's good, but I don't know who they are? "They are my friends." she added, oh. "Okay, I need my timetable and then could I walk to class with you?" she nodded and we collected my time table and headed to class.

 On the way to class I dropped my pencil case and went to pick it up, all to see it wasn't me who picked it up, I saw another hand go to grab it and who's was it? Beaus. "Oh, thanks, beau." I awkwardly thanked him. "Anytime, you look nice today." he replied whilst smiling, "thank you." I smiled and we walked off. "OH. MY. GOD. Melissa, that was BEAU. BROOKS. HOW ARE YOU NOT FREAKING OUT!?" she loudly whispered. "what about him?" I dumbly added and smirked, "HE JUST COMPLIMENTED YOU AND PICKED UP YOUR PENcil CASE!" she screamed, I explained everything that happened before I came to Penola and she freaked out, I calmed her down and basically that was it. We reached the class of doom, we were a few minutes late so we crept in and were introduced by Mr Greens loud voice, "Good morning, girls." he sternly spoke. "Good morning, I'm Melissa, your new student." I smiled back. "Hello, Melissa. You shall take your pick in where you sit." he deeply spoke again, his voice scared me. As I looked behind me I saw Emily indicating me to sit next to her, so I did. I could feel beaus emerald eyes piercing into me when I walked up to the table and I didn't like it, I turned to him and he smiled then looked away, so I did the same. "Guys, this is Melissa, she moved here from London and she has a thing with beau brooks." Emily introduced me and I laughed at the end bit, I got a lot of stares and questions, "guys, I don't have a 'thing' with beau brooks, we're just friends." I smiled and they all asked even MORE questions. "Yeah, friends with benefits" Emily laughed, "piss off Em" I jokingly laughed, "Em, I like it. That should be my nickname" they all agreed on calling Emily 'Em' from now on because it's cute and we made nicknames for everyone, Em, Mads, Mel, Lil and Chlo. How cute are we. 

We headed off to our lockers and I had to decide on a code, I told everyone my locker code and they told me theirs, they seemed like a very close friendship group and I loved it. We headed to maths and guess who I sat next to, Beau. I swear that wasn't even a coincidence! "Hey" he smiled as I sat down, I could feel Chloe and Maddie staring and smiling but I just ignored them. "Hey, what's the teacher's name? she just told me to sit here." I laughed and he replied, "Mrs smith, don't get caught talking, don't miss any homework and don't skip her lessons, she's horrible."
"Okay, thanks for the live advice" I laughed. The lesson passed by and beau kept talking and laughing with me and I just wanted to get out and talk to Em, I feel like I can talk to her more than the others because I've known her longer, even though it has been an hour I feel like I can tell her everything, she is so genuine and friendly! Give it a few days and I'll know each one of them inside and out.

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