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Beau is in hospital, he crashed his car. Shit. I rang my mum and told her, I insisted her to come home from work and to take us to see him. I told the others to get ready and we waited for mum. She finally arrived 15 minutes later and we all jumped in the car. Once we arrived to the hospital we asked the receptionist and she gave us directions. We finally saw Melissa waiting outside the room that we presumed beau was in. I didn't really know Melissa but I knew how close her and beau were. She had red eyes and her cheeks were stained. Not to mention her purple lips, messy hair and pale skin. I felt so bad for her. "Hey Mel," I whispered as we walked towards her. She looked up and didn't show any emotion but sadness. "He's gonna be alright, okay?" I reassured her and comforted her. She nodded but didn't take her eyes from her phone, she was scrolling through twitter, "hey, pass me your phone." I smirked, she cocked her eyebrow at me, "why?"
"Just pass me it" I laughed again, she passed me her phone and I took a selfie and tweeted 'ma homie @luke_brooks love ya dude!!xx' I passed back her phone and she read the tweet, she let out a soft laugh but kept scrolling.

Luke has sat making me laugh, smile, comforted me and been bugging me for like 20 minutes now. The others have just been worrying. Luke stood up to go to the toilet and Jai came over, "hey Mel, you okay?" he smiled. "Luke has a crush!" James laughed, "shut up James" I smiled back. "Don't worry, I'm joking. He's like that with every girl he meets, he wouldn't want to mess it up for you and Beau."
'you and Beau.' Kept replaying in my head which made me even more upset, I got up and ran down the corridors to the bathroom to cry. As I ran I could hear the boys shouting for me to come back. I didn't want anyone to see me cry again. I don't really know them yet. When I reached the bathroom I locked the door and slid down the wall, I let out a soft cry and wiped away my tears, there was no point though because they were just replaced by new ones. He wasn't okay, I needed him right now. I needed to know if he is okay, or even alive.

I got back from the bathroom and went back to the waiting room, "where have you been faggot" Jai asked, "skydiving, what do you think?" I sarcastically said. "Hey, where's Melissa?" They all looked at each other, "we don't know, she ran off and we tried to stop her." I knitted my eyebrows together, "are you serious? she could be anywhere!" I shouted. Consciously, I tweeted her, 'hey, melissaaa where are you? we aren't playing hide and seek babe ;)' hopefully she won't take it seriously and know that I'm joking, I headed down the corridors to follow the sound of someone crying. It was coming from the disabled toilet, it sounded very familiar so I went up close and spoke to the door, "Melissa?" I asked. "what?" she softly spoke from the other side. she wasn't on the toilet so I knocked and told her to unlock the door.

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