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I woke up to my alarm, again. Quickly, I threw on some leggings and a plain white crop top with my new burgundy vans and threw my hair in a high ponytail. I applied a little bit of makeup and grabbed a cereal bar. After I finished, I went and brushed my teeth then grabbed my phone, bag, money, keys and said good bye to my mum and off I went, I hopped onto the bus since it was already there and I was off to Penola for my second day, I met Emily at the gate and met Chloe at the bus shelter, not long after we caught up with Maddie and Aleisha at the library. We all walked to class together and basically just gossiped while Mr green was talking about some stupid science homework (which we had already written down.) After Mr green stopped rambling on we all left to go to our lessons. the lessons flew by and it was lunch, I grabbed my lunch box which had a yoghurt, juice box and a chocolate biscuit. Beau came up to me and offered me to sit with him and the others so I asked the girls if it would be okay, they all said yes ONLY if I told them everything that happens, they basically sat behind us so it was pretty pointless telling them after. Beau took me over to another table with 4 other boys, "boys, this is Melissa" Beau introduced me to the others. "Melissa, this is Jai, Luke, Daniel-you can call him skip and James." I waved and smiled and awkwardly sat there while they all spoke about football and boy things. "You free tonight?" Beau whispered in my ear, "of course" I smiled back, "lets go see a movie" he whispered and I nodded. I think he wanted me not to say anything but I'm telling the girls EVERYTHING. I have a.... date? With-Beau Brooks on the second day of Penola?

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