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As soon as I got home I jumped into the shower and got washed, I couldn't smell bad on the first date!? I curled my hair and applied a pretty but natural makeup look and picked out a pretty black dress with some black heels and a gold anklet. I must say, I look good.. I would be the same height as beau with these babies on. Lifesavers. I don't usually dress up but when I do, I love it. "Where are you off to Miss?" My mum asked while I was jogging down the stairs, crap. When did she get here? "The movies." I replied, "on a school night? who with? do you have money?" Ugh, typical mums. "Yes, my friend and yes." She looked at me for a while before adding, "which friend?" That's when I heard a horn beep outside, "gotta go!" I grabbed my purse and ran out, I jumped into beaus black jeep and we drove off, "nice car." was the first thing I said as he smirked at me, "oh and thanks beau" he turned to me after I said that, "no problem." He smiled and handed me a card in a pink envelope, "don't open it until you get home." We sat in silence for a few minutes before I started wondering why, so I decided to ask, "why?" I blushed, "because." Beau smiled back and I just went along with it. After a few conversations we arrived at the mall and it was huge compared to the one in England! We walked in together and that was when I saw what beau really looked like. "Oh my god" I looked him up and down, "what? you sound like you just looked in the mirror and saw how beautiful you look" Beau added cheekily, "aw Beau, I was looking at you! You look-" I was cut off by some girls asking Beau for a picture, one of them asked "who's this beau?" He just replied with "a friend." Great, I just been friend zoned, wait- who cares? I've friend zoned him before right!? 

Anyway. After they finished, me and Beau went into the cinema and chose to watch fast and furious, I must say, it was amazing. I love fast and furious and so does beau, after it ended, I shredded a few tears but didn't let beau see. We walked out the movies and it was 9 pm, he took me back to his car and drove me home, "you don't need to drop me off right outside, you can drop me off at the top of the street." I said, not wanting to cause beau any hassle. "Okay well I'm walking you to your door" Beau smiled. "fine." I sarcastically laughed, we walked down to my door and he looked me in the eyes, oh my god, this is it. It was gonna happen, we were inches away and all of a sudden we both leaned forward and all of a sudden I heard a ringtone along with a vibration in my pocket, fuck.

'I'm outside.'
'Yeah, i can see now hurry up, the key is under the doormat.'
I looked up and saw she was watching out her window, oh my god that was so embarrassing!  "Sorry." I said to beau, "it's okay, I'll see you tomorrow" we said our good byes and I went up to bed, I called Emily and told her everything while Aleisha and Chloe were on the other line listening to everything, "okay, gotta go to bed see you's tomorrow!"
"Tell us more tomorrow! More detail!" Chloe added, 
"whatever! Okay, night" I switched off my phone and fell asleep instantly. 

Everlasting Love.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora