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Me and Luke hardly speak anymore and Beau is still in a coma, no news, no contact, nothing. During the last 2 months I've picked up some of my mums habits, drinking, smoking & intentionally hurting myself.. My hair is now a dark brown, close to black and the dark circles under my eyes are darker than the nights sky that I cry under each night. James, Jai and Daniel never talk to me either, I've been kicked out the house and all my friends have ditched me. I skip school more than I skip meals. I just want beau.

I woke up to a bright light in my eyes, ugh. I haven't been on my phone in months so I decided to check it, woah. I had tons of notifications.. 89 missed calls, 193 text messages, 8793 twitter notifications, 5379 Instagram notifications, ect, ect.. I'm guessing this was because of the boys but I decided to check my missed calls and texts first. Luke, Emily, my mum.. I kept scrolling until I got to my most recents.. Then I checked my texts, same people and a few others. Now for the worst, social media. first of all, I checked Twitter, there was a lot of hateful tweets and shade but I scrolled past them.
'Ew, what even is she?'
'She hasn't posted in 3 months, I hope she killed herself'
'She's using them for fame.'

I came across a hashtag #janoskianatorslovemelissa where they posted cute and lovely things about me, after rt'ing about 150 tweets and following loads of janoskianators I decided to look at my mentions, most of them were fangirls but one stood out to me.
'@Melissa_x0x is actually disgusting, she smokes, takes drugs, self harms, drinks & is using beau and Luke for FAME!! She is a useless piece of-' I stopped reading it and started replying. I wrote it in my notes just like she did so I could post a pic of what I had said since stupid twitter you can only post 150 characters and I had a lot to say.
'@tastefulbeau how could you call yourself a fan when you can't even appreciate what makes the boys happy? Beau told me before he went into a coma that I made him happy. If I didn't make him happy then I would leave. Just because you weren't the one to come into the boys lives doesn't mean you can hate on someone who did. Also, I don't use them for fame. Beau was my everything, my best friend, it's not my fault he went into a coma. We (me, his friends and family) are incredibly upset about what has happened to beau. As for Luke, he was there when no one else was. He was and still is my best friend, and the other boys? I don't really know Daniel but he is funny and I bet is a great friend, Jai, he has been an amazing brother to Luke all along and James, he gives the bestest hugs ever and is a great friend. Luke and Beau happen to be the closest to me and I wish the best for beau and I love the other boys to pieces. PS: You wouldn't know if I smoked, drunk, done drugs or self harmed because where's the proof? I haven't been on social media in 3 months talking about it. & I have barely been out the house. So keep your words to yourself and don't get opinions mixed with facts babe, love you xox' I felt much better after writing that, I got a lot out of my system. I checked beaus twitter, last tweet, 4 months ago.
'When you find someone you love, hold them and treasure them forever.' 

It brought a tear to my eye knowing that it could be about me, shut up Melissa, he doesn't love you. After that, I decided to check Lukes. today, 

'nostalgia is the worst, memories seem like yesterday when everything was good.'

I scrolled down to Lukes name in my contacts, 'Lukey bear💍❤️' I hadn't changed it since Luke saved his name as that. I dialed out to his number and told him to come over.

As I lay on my bed, crying I decided to tweet something, since I was being really inactive. 

'Nostalgia is the worst, memories seem like yesterday when everything was good.'

After tweeting that out, I checked through my mentions, some of them were just the normal, "ily" "follow me" ect.. Then my phone started to ring, 'mel💔' I forgot I changed her name from a heart to a broken one. I didn't mean it, I changed it out of heartbreak. Firstly, I declined it. Maybe she wanted to speak to me about what I said to Jai, Daniel and James? No, they wouldn't have told her. She rang again and again until I finally answered, "uh-hey mel, sorry I didn't pick up before I was helping Jai."

"It's okay Luke, I was wondering-" She paused which made me worry. "I was wondering if you wanted to um-come over? You know, catch up and talk?" Her voice lit my whole world up, "of course! um-I mean sure" Good job Luke, sound like a freak in front of your crush that you know you'll never date.. "Okay, just come over and let yourself in." She spoke, "sure, I'll be in 10." We both hung up, I need to get ready fast.

Luke didn't sound very convincing when he said he was helping Jai but I played along with it anyway. He is gonna be here in 10 so I gotta get ready fast. Quickly, I ran upstairs and done my makeup nice and pretty. Covered my dark circles, hid my scars and put on a cute outfit. Was I trying to impress Luke? No, I love beau. I checked my phone to see that I had a few extra minutes so I got some food and drinks out for me and Luke. I lay them out on the table and turned on Netflix. A few seconds later, I heard a knock at the door, Luke. I took a deep breathe and opened the door to see a handsome young man in a tuxedo and a tie, holding the most beautiful red roses I've ever seen, he was also holding a box? "For you miss Edwards" Luke held out the box which I carefully opened, it revealed a beautiful diamond. "Oh my god Luke! How did you afford this!?" I said in shock, he handed me the roses as I invited him in, he walked in, inspecting the hallways and desks. Luke was never like this, what happened? "Melissa, could we talk please?" Luke spoke from the hall, "sure" I smiled, signalling for us to go into the sitting room. "I see you've got my favourite" he laughed. I nodded and we sat on the sofa. "Melissa" Luke nervously spoke, "Luke." I smiled, there was a mini silence where we stared into each other's eyes. Luke stroked my hair and came closer, oh no. Is he? Before I could pull away his lips crashed against mine, his cold lip ring pressing against my mouth. He slowly pulled away, "I'm sorry." He apologised. "No, I'm sorry." he looked up into my eyes, "why?" he shook his head. "Because you have feelings for me and I can't kiss you back because I love Beau!"

"I'll be there in 10" I hung up the phone and dashed to my wardrobe, I've never had a father show me how to impress a girl but I've helped James on a date before. I pulled out a tuxedo that I wore for a wedding once and quickly got dressed. It wasn't the best fit but it looked okay. I grabbed the diamond that I had kept for her since the day I started loving her. Realising what time it was, I zoomed down the stairs and jumped in the car, "bye mum, I'm going to Melissa's!" She waved bye and continued to watch TV. Stepping on the peddle, I quickly raced to the flower shop down the road, I picked out the most expensive roses in the shop. $57 isn't bad for someone you love, right? I grabbed the roses and jumped back into the car. Slowly, I took a deep breath before making my way to Melissa's door. I knocked on the door as I saw her beautiful figure appear through the glass. She opened the door and welcomed me in. She looked amazing. She stood in shock as I passed her the diamond. She thanked me and gave me a massive warm hug. We made our way to the sitting area which she had nicely set out Ben&Jerry's and turned on Netflix. Perfect. I looked into her perfect eyes, "Melissa" nervously, I spoke. "Luke" I stared at her lips before stroking her hair, pulling her forward and crashing mine onto hers, her lips were soft and unkissed. She didn't seem to kiss me back so I engulfed her lips with mine and held her. Then I realised that she loves beau not me, I slowly pulled away and looked into her eyes. "I'm sorry." Apologetically I spoke. "No, I'm sorry" she replied. "Why?" I was really confused why Melissa was sorry. "Because you have feelings for me and I can't kiss you back because I love Beau!" Ouch, that hurt. I had that feeling in my throat after you dry swallowed a big pill, I felt like my stomach had dropped. My heart had just been ripped to shreds and trampled on a million times. "This is why I'm sorry, you love beau but I couldn't help but love you. Look at yourself Melissa, you're gorgeous! You're the definition of perfect and anyone would be incredibly lucky to have you. It's just, I guess I have bad luck."

Everlasting Love.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя