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I had threw on some uggs with my leggings, hollister hoodie, bracelets and I was wearing a little bit of makeup. I didn't wanna go all fancy because he just wanted to talk to me at the park, it can't be anything fancy. As I started walking I started to get butterflies, 'ugh stop it Melissa you've never acted like this before.' My inner self told me, and my inner self was right, I needed to grow up, I arrived at the park and looked around, no sign of beau, was I being set up? Was he scamming me?


I could see that that Melissa had just arrived, crap. I'm so scared and nervous I think I'm going to explode. Okay, grow up Beau. Be a man! So I jumped out of my car and walked over to her, she looked stunning, I wore a tank top with some skinny black jeans and brought a bouquet of roses, I was standing inches away from her, I couldn't resist, this wasn't even my plan but I grabbed her by the waist and kissed her passionately.

Oh my god. He had a bouquet of roses and he was centimeters away from me, what do I do? Oh my god it's gonna happen, we looked each other in the eyes, ugh his eyes are so beautiful. *snap out of it* then all of a sudden I felt two muscular arms wrap around me and another pair of lips press against my lips passionately, I thought it would be soppy and bad but it wasn't, he meant it, all these feelings were finally being let out through a kiss, what was I doing? I don't know but it was good and we were both happy. We finally pulled away and stared into each other's eyes grinning from one cheek to another, I just kissed Beau Brooks.

Melissa is my dream girl, she looks good, smells good, kisses good, is smart, has an amazing personality and her voice gives me butterflies but not the bad kind, the good butterflies. So I was going to ask her.
"Melissa, will you be my girlfriend?"

Everlasting Love.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora