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My muscles aching and begging for me to stop, I ran as fast as I could home, I just wanted to die right there. I had messed up and I felt worthless, there was no way out. Once I reached my house, I violently opened the door and ran upstairs, mum was off her head drunk again with a different man. Another reason why I hated life, it seemed like nothing was going right anymore. When I first met beau, I loved my life and was happy, not anymore. I'm just an emotional wreck. Sitting in my room, ours on end, blasting music over my pain filled screams with the door locked. Drawing patterns into my skin with a tiny, sharp, metal object known as a razor, watching the blood ooze out into my sink and feeling the shivers go through my body like a million knives, until it all numbed. No more feeling in my arms, legs, stomach, nothing. Salty tears filled my eyes, mixing with my eyeliner and mascara, black water running down my red cheeks, one after another. Until my vision blurred, all my body numbed and my hearing was totally blanked, as I dropped to the floor with my lifeless body.

Everlasting Love.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora