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When we arrived back, I decided to see if my mum was home. Luke said he would wait for me outside because we were meant to be going for ice cream afterwards. The door was unlocked so I just walked straight in, "mum!?" I yelled. No reply. Surprised, I walked into the sitting room to see something I never thought I would see, there was a lump in my throat and it felt like someone had just hit me in the stomach. I covered my mouth and ran upstairs in disgust and disbelief.

I had just seen my mother passionately kissing ANOTHER man! What!? Background story:- I was an accident. My mum never intended on having a baby. So I was basically at risk of being aborted. (Which I should have been.) My father left my mum 2 months after having me, I don't remember any of this but this is just what my mum told me. She was young and dumb, she didn't know what to do! She developed a drinking problem and took drugs. She lost me for 6 years, when I was 7 years old I got to see my mum again after she had recovered. But, until then I had to stay with my grandma. Soon after, she died. My mum re-married but sadly, got a divorce 4 years later. I was only 11. She said she wasn't interested and I wasn't aloud to see my step-dad. I wasn't even aloud to see my real dad either. She promised she wouldn't re-marry or even date other men so I didn't get hurt. Well, here we are 5 years later. 16 year old me, getting hurt over my mum kissing another guy. She wouldn't tell me
why she wanted to move to Australia and she has been acting weird ever since. She knew I became depressed at 12 years of age because of everything that had happened. Why would she do this? My eyes full of anger and rage, without thinking I grabbed a razor from the bathroom. Took the blade and held it against my skin, shakingly digging into the flesh of my wrists, one slice after another. After watching the blood ooze out from each slice, I left it. Cleaned it up with a towel and hid the blade. Cleaned up my eye makeup and put on some bracelets. As I checked my phone I remembered Luke was outside, I called him, "hey, Luke I'm so sorry. I feel really ill right now. I'll hang out tomorrow. I'm so sorry" he sighed as I said this, "okay, get well soon babe and make sure to text me." I reassured him I would and he hung up. I feel like crap right now and I just wanna die.

Hours passed as I just lay on my bed doing nothing. No sign of my mum either. As I checked the time I realised it was 7pm. Quietly, I tip-toed downstairs to see my mum walking out with this man. As I watched them leave they jumped into a taxi and they were off.

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