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As me and the boys walked around the huge hospital trying to find our way to Beau's room the boys were asking me questions like "are you nervous" and stuff, I basically just ignored them. We started to turn a corner but since I was so engulfed into my phone I accidentally walked into someone, "oh, sorr-" I was cut off by my jaw dropping at how beautiful he was. his eyes were glowing again, his smile lit up my world. We stared at each other's eyes until making a move. "Beau." I whispered, "Melissa." we both smiled and indulged into a kiss. The boys must have felt awkward because they just looked around awkwardly. "I-love-you." I whispered in between the kisses, "I-love-you-too." beau returned the love. "I've missed you so much babe" my eyes filled up with tears of joy. "Hey is there onions in here?" Luke added, making everyone laugh. "Here, go see your brothers." I smiled at beau and walked off to the vending machine. Inserting $2 into the machine and taking out a sprite and a diet coke, one for me, one for beau. Once I returned everyone was getting ready to go home
so I followed on.

once we arrived home I decided to talk to luke since the boys told me that he had took 'care' of Melissa. "So, Luke. Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked him. He nodded and I jogged up the stairs, Luke copying my actions. "Yeah?" Luke responded as we sat on my bed and closed the door. "How was Melissa?" I glared. Suspiciously, he paused and bit his lip, causing his metal lip ring to move. "So?" I repeated. "Uh-fine." he lied. In response, I gave him the 'really' look. "Okay, she hit rock bottom dude, she was so upset. She started self-harming, smoking and drinking! All of our fans gave her hate. she just went through such a hard time and I blame myself for it because we fell out just before she started drinking, self harming and smoking! Dude, I'm sorry." Luke shouted. A frown replaced my smile and I shed a few tears. "Ok." I spoke softly before nodding and walking out the room.

Beau looked sad and I mean sad, I'd never seen him this sad since our dog died in 10th grade. the worst part was, I had told him about Melissa and he couldn't bare it. I don't know how I'm gonna tell him about the kiss.

after having my heart crushed I decided to talk to Melissa. Slowly, I tip-toed down stairs and caught her eye from the kitchen, signalling for her to come upstairs she followed my actions.
Placing herself on my bed I asked her, "are you okay?" luckily Luke had already left the room. she nodded and I smiled. "what happened when I was gone?" she smacked her lips together and stared into my eyes, filling with tears she wrapped her arms around my body and cried into my shoulder. confused, i hugged her back tightly. "Babe?" I whispered after a few minutes of hugging.

I wanted to ascond. This was horrible and my worst nightmare. Beau was hugging me and I loved him. How am I going to tell him Luke kissed me!? Or 'loved' me!? "Beau, I'm a mess. I need to calm down." I spoke sternly, he nodded and handed me a towel to go in the shower. While I was in the shower I decided to shave my legs and brush my teeth. it felt like I hadn't showered in forever. I missed having steaming hot water trickle down my back and have it feel nice, nowadays I have a 5 minute ice cold shower to numb the pain.

I still felt bad about the kiss but I didn't know how I was going to tell beau. so I decided to just get it over with. Intrepidly, I called beau and waited for him to pick up. After all that had happened beau had a right to know and I just needed to rectify everything with him. He finally answered, shakily I spoke, "Beau?" it was an arduous thing for me to do but he has every right to be mad. "Yeah?" He sounded fine, however I didn't. "I have something to tell you but you gotta promise you won't be mad, okay?" he agreed not to
get mad but I knew he would. "When you were in hospital me and Melissa
were spending a lot of time together, as you know. You see, in that time I kinda developed feelings for her. She didnt love me back and my heart had been broken. With that, I needed the love back-" I paused, took a deep breathe and just as I was about to continue, beau chipped in. "And?"
"I kissed her."

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