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I woke up to the sound of my mum shouting my name, "What!?" I called back, no answer; ugh. So I decided to go downstairs and see what she wanted, "what?" I repeated. "Hurry up and have some breakfast, I want you out today, you've been asleep half the day!" I looked at the clock, 11 AM!? Crap. Quickly, I grabbed some clothes and applied some makeup, smoothly brushed my hair and made it look nice, grabbed some money and I was out the door in a flash, I headed to town and decided to get my school supplies but after a while I got bored so I decided to go sit in Starbucks and go on my phone, I ordered a cotton candy frappe and sat on the back table by myself. All of a sudden I felt someone tap on my back, "mhh?" I turned around and jumped, there was a brown haired boy with emerald green eyes and he looked the same age as me. "h-hello?" I repeated. He handed me a bag which looked familiar, "you dropped this over there" he explained, "oh my god, thank you so much!" I smiled, I spend £70 on school supplies and I dropped the bag? What an idiot. "Hey, I'm beau. Nice to meet you." Beau. Beau. Okay, he sounds really familiar! Where is he from? "Hey, Melissa. I'm new here, I moved from England. Nice to meet you too, Beau." I smiled as he smiled back. "Hey, you look really familiar." Beau confessed honestly. "You too.." Making it sound really awkward. "So, um yeah what school do you go to?" "Oh I'm starting school on Thursday and I'm joining Penola." His eyes widened as I said this, "what?" I asked. "Oh nothing, I'll see you at school." He smirked and so we said our good byes and he left to go back with a group of 4 other boys. They all looked so familiar but I couldn't think of where they were from. 

When I got home I rushed up to my room and grabbed my laptop, I typed in Beau to see what would come up on google, YouTube, Twitter and even Instagram, there was loads of Beaus! After scrolling for ages one stood out to me, I clicked on it and appeared a picture of Beau, Beau- Brooks? His bio read 1/5 of the janoskians, janoskians? I'm sure my friend has said something about them before, who was it?? After thinking for about 10 minutes I decided I was gonna FaceTime Sasha. "Hey Sash, you know that group of boys Anna used to talk about 24/7?" I asked, she nodded and spoke, "yeah what about them?" there was a long pause until I spoke back, "is one of them called beau brooks?" I hesitantly asked, "yeah, why??"

"I met him today." I said so calmly and she was jumping out of her mind. "You met beau brooks!?" she screamed. "Yeah" i awkwardly laughed, "two minutes" she replied. She added Anna into the chat and she told her everything, Sash and Anna were sitting there like little fan girls and I just sat there confused out of my mind. The night passed by, so eventually I dozed off to sleep.

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