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After they left there was a knock at the door, surprisingly it was Luke? "What do you want?" I asked, "to see you." He spoke bluntly. Confused, I stared at him with a puzzled expression as he let himself in and directed us both to the sitting room, closing the door after him. "Whats up" There was a deafening silence which pierced into me which I did not like. "It's my mum. She promised not to go back with any other men after my step dad, and she did! She's gonna come back with him and she's gonna be drunk! She did this when I was 12 too." He stood in shock. "I know things aren't great at the moment, but trust me, as soon as everything gets back on track you're gonna be happy again." He smiled. I faked a smile and say there awkwardly. "I'm gonna go to sleep, okay?" He nodded and left, locking the door after him like I instructed.

I awoke to the noise of my mum screaming my name repeatedly, "Melissa!" My eyes opened slowly as I let out a massive yawn. "Why weren't you in school yesterday?" She asked, shit. I totally forgot about school. "I went to visit my friend." I made up a fake excuse. Hopefully that'll do? "Too bad. School comes first. Get your ass to school this minute, you have 10 minutes to get ready." She groaned. Ugh. Quickly, I put my hair in a fishtail and applied some light makeup. My outfit choice was a grey hoodie, black leggings and traditional hazel ugg boots. I grabbed my backpack and caught the bus. There was a man sitting next to me who looked like he hadn't showered in years, he had the horrible scent of monster energy and looked drunk as hell. Luckily, he finally got off the bus before me. Once I got off and walked into school my friends came running over squealing with questions, "I'm not in the mood, go away." I just wanted to see Beau. He was my main focus and school can kiss my ass.

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