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"I kissed her." Luke harshly spoke through the phone, causing me to pause. Thoughts ran through my head, he knew I loved her. He's my brother! Swinging my phone across the room I stormed upstairs to Luke's bedroom and bashed through the door into his room where he sat. The pale teen looked up with sorrow and tears, repeatedly apologising. "Sorry isn't enough Luke!" I screamed. "You knew I loved her!" Luke pleaded for me to forgive him but not this time. He had crossed the line. Clenching my fists and tensing my jaw, Luke because somewhat terrified. The young boy stood up in front of me and without a doubt, I swung for him, hitting him in the head. Luke fell down in pain but soon got back up. There was yelling, blood and pain all in one room.

I sat downstairs peacefully talking to Daniel, this was a great way for us to get to know each other better because I didn't really know Daniel. We sat laughing and talking until we heard muffled screams coming from upstairs. Curiously, we glanced at each other and ran upstairs. Slowly tip toeing closer to the room, we heard louder screams and what sounded like a fight. Daniel immediately opened the door and yelled, "What is going on!?" Which caused the fighting to stop. "Beau? Luke?" I questioned, blinking to see if this was real. "Did you kiss Luke!?" Beau yelled, I could hear pain in his voice. Smacking my lips together and closing my eyes, I slid myself down the wall, bursting into tears. "Melissa, I said did you kiss Luke?" Beau repeated. "Beau, he came on to me and I didn't even kiss him back, I swear!" This caused Luke to look at me with hurt in his eyes. "I'm sorry." I cried before walking to beaus room.

Packing away the stuff I had brought to the boys house, tears filling my eyes. Not only had I hurt beau but I also hurt Luke, I just wanna go home. After grabbing all of my stuff, I walked down the stairs and walked out into the driveway, where I was stopped by beau. "Where are you going?" He still looked hurt and his eyes were puffy and red, "home. No one wants me here beau. I've hurt you, Luke and all the boys. I'm sorry." He engulfed his arms around me and kissed me on the forehead, "babe, come and stay with me. Please." I shook my head and walked home.

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