The Truth

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Everyone in the room got quiet as The News Reporter continued to speak "is... Sam Reston". Liv looked over at Cyrus, making eye contact as Mellie left the room and Fitz stood there, shocked but also relieved.

Liv took a seat, looking in her lap as a million thoughts ran through her mind, Fitz went to the room to call Reston and congratulations him, Mellie came back in the room and gave Liv a death stare, Liv glanced at Mellie and quickly looked away, starting to regret her choice about Defiance.

Fitz came back in the room and sat across from Liv as he sighed, he spook up, thanking the entire team for all the hard work and hoped everyone had a fun time and good luck for the future. Everyone soon left, leaving Fitz, Mellie, Cyrus and Liv alone, Fitz and Mellie sitting across from Liv and Cyrus as everyone stayed quiet.

"One word" Mellie spoke up, they all looked over at her, "Mellie don't" Liv said, gulping a little, Fitz looked between the two women, confused. Mellie stood up and stood in front of Liv, Liv stood up slowly and made eye contact with Mellie, "All you had to say was one word!" Liv looked down, really feeling regret. "Mel, what are you talking about?". Fitz asked, standing up, "Defiance" Liv replied, she looked at Fitz who stood there confused as ever.

"It could've been yours if i said 'Yes'.." she sighed before she continued "Hollis came to us and Verna about.. rigging the election, everyone said 'Yes' and I... I said 'No' because I wanted you to win on your own and I knew you wanted that too".

Fitz looked between the three of them and stormed out of the room, Mellie quickly followed him, Liv sighed deeply and sat down next to Cyrus. They sat in silence, hearing light yelling from the room where Mellie and Fitz were, they heard a door slam and someone walking to another room.

Fitz walked out of the room, walking out the building, "I got this.." Liv said quietly and stood up, following Fitz out of the building. He stood in the garden, his arms crossed against his chest, looking at the view while his head was filled with thoughts and questions. Liv walked over to him and stood next to him, looking at the view.

They stayed quiet for a little before she looked up at him and spoke up. "I'm sorry" she said quietly, he looked down at her and shaked his head "It's not your fault, you did the right thing". She nodded slightly and looked back at the view, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him before she snuggled close to him since it was a little cold.

"I'm going to divorce Mellie now".

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