I Love You

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Liv zipped up her suitcase, ready to leave since it was the end of the presidential election, she walked out of her hotel room, rolling her suitcase behind her while messaging her friends and boss. She pressed the elevator button and waited while sighing deeply, not ready to leave Fitz but she knew it needed to happen especially since he was going to leave Mellie for her.

Fitz heard some noises coming from the hall and decided to see what was going on, he walked out his hotel room and looked over at Liv. "Livvie" he said which made her head turn to him, getting butterflies from the nickname, she smiled a little.  "Fitz.. I was just leaving", he walked over to her, "Without saying goodbye?", she sighed and looked down, "I thought it would be best.. especially with everything going on".

He walked closer to her, her back hitting the wall next to the elevator, she looked up at him and licked her lips a little. "I don't like when you leave me Livvie" he whispered, putting his hands on her hips, "I don't like it either but I have to Fitz, you know that" she sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck. He leaned down, their noses touching, "Kiss me" he whispered against her lips, her breath hitched slightly, "Kiss me, Livvie" he whispered again before she crashed her lips against his, pulling him closer to her.

The elevator doors open making a ding sound, Liv backed away and sighed quietly "I need to go, Fitz" she pushed him away slightly and grabbed her suitcase, he stood there and tilted his head a little, putting his hands in his pocket. She walked into the elevator and pressed the first floor button, "Livvie", she looked up at him, "I love you" he said to her before the doors closed in front of them.

He sighed and turned around, going to walk back to his hotel room before he heard the elevator doors open again, he turned back around and made eye contact with Liv. She smiled and stepped out of the elevator with her suitcase, "I love you too", he smiled happily and walked over to her, kissing her gently and lovingly.

They soon said 'Goodbye' and went their separate ways, Liv back to Washington and Fitz back to his hotel room, to talk to Mellie.

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