This Is Going To Happen, This Needs To Happen

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Fitz closed the door behind him, Mellie sat down on the bed, grabbing her lotion and massaging it onto legs. He walked over to her and put his hands in his pockets, "Mel we need to talk", she looked up at him and sighed, "About what?". "Us. This dead marriage that we're in", she scoffed and stood up, looking deep into his eyes.

"Suck it up, you lost this election. It is your fault you're in this "dead marriage"", she said loud and clear. His eyebrows furrowed together "My fault? You wanted this marriage, you threw your law career away, YOU pushed me to run for president. This is you, not me!.", she stood, shocked "I-", he cut her off immediately.

"NO! I'm done Mellie, we're getting in a divorce and you're going to sign the papers because I'm done with you and this marriage and this political career" he walked closer to her "This is going to happen, this needs to happen, for your sake and mines.. and the women i'm in love with", her eyes widen as his words stabbed her in the heart. He was in love with another woman.

Olivia stepped out of the taxi, grabbing her suitcase from the trunk before entering the airport, she sighed and made her way through security. She looked back at the doors a little, saying 'Goodbye' to California and Fitz, the love of her life. She wanted nothing more than to just run back to the hotel and kiss him forever.

Her eyes watered a little as she boarded the plane, she took her seat and crossed her legs, looking out the window. After 10 minutes or so the plane started to take off, she looked at her phone, watching it, expecting a text from Fitz but never got one. It made her tear up again but she quickly blinked back her tears. She hated crying, especially over a man, but that man made her feel whole.

She leaned her head against the window and closed her eyes, not expecting to fall asleep but she did, for the rest of the flight which was 6 hours and 50 minutes. The plane landed and the announcements came on making her wake up from her nap, she rubbed her eyes a little and yawned before looking out the window.

"Home" she whispered to herself.. "Home" she repeated quietly, she frowned and stood up from her seat, it didn't feel like home, not anymore. She got off the plane and went to collect her suitcase which took a while but she grabbed it and left the airport, she got an uber and made her way back home.

She checked her message, finally seeing a message from Fitz, she unlocked her phone and read the text , 'Hi Livvie, I just wanted to say I love you and I miss you. You'll probably be home by the time you see this but I can't wait to have you back in my arms again. I love you Livvie. Call me when you get home❤️'.

She smiled widely at her message and quickly responded before turning off her phone and looking out the window, sighing happily. After a 20 minute ride and texting Fitz back and forth, she was finally home, she entered her apartment and closed the door, placing her keys on the side table and taking off her heels.

She grabbed a wine glass and a bottle of wine, sitting on the couch and opening the bottle before pouring herself a big glass of wine. She took her phone out and dialed Fitz's number as she snuggled up on the couch and drank her glass of wine slowly.

After a few rings, Fitz finally answered which made her smile. "Hi" she said quietly but loud enough for him to hear, "Hi" he said back and smiled widely.

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