Moving Part 2

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By the end of the month, most of the apartment was packed and shipped to their cabin home in Vermont, they were excited to move and began their family. Liv was on her way to OPA to tell her friends that she was moving and Abby would be in charge, she was nervous on how they would react especially since this was so random and Liv wouldn't just give up OPA without a good reason.

She sat in her car, in the parking garage, her hands on the steering wheel as she thought about what to say to the group of five, Abby, Harrison, Stephan, Quinn, and Huck. She took a deep breath and grabbed her purse, stepping out her vehicle and making her way to the elevator.

She entered the elevator, pressing the floor where OPA ran, playing with her fingers nervously, thinking how she needed a tall glass of wine to calm her nerves. She stepped out the elevator and opened the door to OPA, walking quickly towards her office, ignoring everyone and their 'good mornings'.

She closed the door behind her, dropping her bag on the armchair and walking towards the cabinet, pulling out a bottle of wine and a wine glass, she sat in her office chair and opened the bottle, pouring it into the glass and taking a big sip, the group stared at her through the glass doors, wondering what was going on with her again.

"Maybe she's just stressed", Quinn spoke, "She's always stressed", Stephan replied before opening her office door and entering the room, closing the door behind him, Liv stared at him and sighed, leaning back in her chair and taking another big sip, walking over, he asked, "What's wrong Olivia?", she shook her head and looked down at her lap, "I have.. something to tell you.. all.. and I don't know how you guys will react".

He looked at her worried, "Is it something bad?", she shrugged, "I don't know", he sighed and looked towards the rest of the group, motioning them to come in which they did, walking to Liv as they crowded around her and her desk, "What's wrong Liv?" Abby asked, worried about her friends whom she'd known since they were in college.

Liv leaned her head back, drowning the rest of her wine before placing her glass on her desk, she stood up and looked at the group of friends one by one, slowly tearing up by blinking her tears away, "I'm moving", she finally spoke up, they looked around at each other and back at her, "What's so bad about that?" Harrison asked, confused as to why it would be such a big deal for Liv to move out of her apartment.

"That's the thing.. I'm not just moving to a new house but.." she sighed and took a deep breath, "..I'm.. moving to a new state.. and city", the room got quiet fast, not one peep as the bolts in their brains turned quickly, their brains processing what just came out her mouth, was she being for real or was this some type of joke?

The first one to speak up was Huck, "Why?" was his only word this whole conversation, Liv licked her lips and sat back down, wiping her sweaty palms on her pants, "Most of you don't know this but when I was working on Governor Grant's campaign to make him President.. we.. started to have an affair.. After the campaign, we continued the affair and he divorced his ex-wife, he moved in with me and we always had talks about moving to Vermont and starting a family together.. we love each other, he is the love of my life".

Liv teared up while talking about Fitz, she loved him more than anything, even OPA, he meant the world to her and she never felt this way about anyone until she met him. Everyone listened to her clearly, now understanding why she was moving and why she was always so smiley when she walked through the doors of OPA, but her smile didn't always last long, she got stressed quickly when they started or talked about a case. Fitz was her safe place, where she wasn't stressed and could smile and laugh forever.

Quinn walked over to Liv and took her hand, "We support you Liv, and we think you should follow your heart" Liv looked up at the brown haired women and smiled slightly, "Thank you", Quinn smiled back and looked at Abby as she speaked, "But who will be in charge of OPA? You can't run it all the way in Vermont", Liv let go of Quinn's hand and stood back up, "Well.. I've decided to make Abby in charge of OPA".

Abby stood there shocked, the rest of the group smiled and congratulated Abby, except for Huck, he just stood there with a small smile on his face, not really saying anything but that wasn't a surprise. "Really? Me?" Abby asked, shocked and confused, Liv walked over to Abby and unexpectedly gave her a hug, "Yes, you. Take care of OPA, you deserve it", Abby teared up and hugged Liv tightly, "Thank you Liv", "You're welcome Abs".

They all soon walked out her office and began celebrating, ordering pizza and drinking vodka like it was Christmas, Liv watched the group of friends celebrate, she was a little sad but was glad to know that she left her business in good hands, she packed an envelope full of everything Abby needed to know about OPA before grabbing her purse and sneaking out the building, wanting the group to have fun and party. 

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