Chapter 28|A Spark to a Fire

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“Ce-Cedric…” Fallon said, wiping his eyes. “How long were you there?”

“Since you sat down. I come here from time to time to relax and reminisce.”

“Sounds depressing.”

“Not as depressing as the tears gushing out your eyes.”

Fallon laughed, but it came out in short bursts, like hic ups.

Cedric floated and crossed his legs next to him. He was sure he knew the problem. But the guy couldn’t say he read Fallon’s mind since Ezra showed up at Henry’s door.

Besides, without reading a thing, anyone could see he was in love with his brother … except Henry, of course.

“So, why is such a beautiful face like this getting soiled by tears of sadness?” Cedric said, and this time, Fallon’s laugh was fluid.

“If it was that beautiful, then Henry would have been with me… not him.”

“Oh, so… you’re in love with Henry?”

“At this point, love is an understatement cause look at me.”

Fallon flung his arms, and it passed through Cedric. He shivered from the chill slithering up his arm and Cedric laughed.

“That kinda tickled.” Cedric said. “How long have you loved him?”

“About five years now.”

“What!” He jolted. “And you never told him?”

“I did! Before all of this prince stuff happened. Henry was in the forest and Miyu was encouraging me to tell him and get it over with. And although I was nervous, I blurted the shit out, and you know what he said?”

“That he loves you too, but he thought you meant it in a best friend way.”


Cedric could feel the strength in Fallon’s words, like he was glad someone understood.

“But how did you know?” Fallon asked.

“From the short time I got to know my brother, I could tell he’s a little uhhh… how to put… dense.”

“More than dense, he’s dunce!”

The two chortled and Fallon felt the bubbling of that laughter spew joy throughout his body. He smiled in what felt like a month.

“You know, you should do that more often.” Cedric said. “You have a nice smile.”



“No, tell me, tell me, please!”

As Cedric looked into his blue eyes, over-saturated with charm, he blushed and looked away. “I said… you have a cute smile. It’s insane Henry hasn’t noticed.”

Fallon’s smile dropped in surprise, but slowly rose to life again. “Tha-thank you. But I don’t blame him. We’ve been best friends for such a long time, he could probably only see me in that light.”

“Why do you love him anyway?”

Fallon opened his mouth, then shut it. He knew exactly why he loved Henry. The reason always floated to the surface of his heart, reminding him why he must love this man until his dying breath.

But to form that reason into words was his everlasting challenge. It was like trying to jump to touch the sun.

It was illusive.

No matter how high he leaped, the radiant ball of fire might look like it’s in his grasp, but never was.

So he took his time, picking a blade of grass and stripping it down its vein.

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