Chapter 44|Sorpinger Kingdom

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"Place him here.” Fallon said to Cedric.

The specter didn’t know if he had enough power to lift a human with the wind, much less three others. But with an indomitable soul, and lots of breathing, he levitated everyone to safety beyond Valgroraven.

Placing Ezra on the forest floor, Fallon crouched next to him and touched the soil, scanning it for impurities or toxins.

“I can heal him here.”

“Thank God,” Henry said and sat beside Fallon, holding Ezra’s limp hand.

This was the first time Fallon was healing anyone, and he didn’t know what to do.

Should he call an animal for help? Is there even an earth-based animal with the knowledge of soil healing? What if he does it wrong and Ezra…

He turned away.

The thought of killing someone, even by accident, nauseated him.

And to add hot sauce to the wound, that someone was the lover of his best friend.
The bile was already rising through his throat.

“Hey.” Henry took his hand. “I trust you, with my life, his life, all our lives.”

Well that just made it fifty times worse.

Fallon sighed and smiled. He needed to trust himself, and more importantly, the earth.

“Okay.” He said, picking up a handful of soil and sprinkling it on Ezra’s shoulder.

Placing both his hands over the soil, he inhaled then exhaled through the mouth three times, calming his anxious heartbeat.

The symbol on his wrist lit up, shining on the dirt, and he imagined a healthy Ezra, smiling and cheerful.

The soil glowed its chocolate colour, and Fallon closed his eyes. He and the earth were intertwined, and as Henry trusted him, he must trust the earth.

Green lit up within the soil, peeking through the macropores, and as if coming up for air from the ocean, Ezra gasped.

“Ezzy!” Henry said, attacking him with a hug.

Fallon chuckled in relief that he actually did it. “It’s good to see you, Ezra.” He said.

“You too.”

“How beautiful.” Miyu murmured, baffled at the marvelous display of magic, even though she can summon water-based creatures from a portal.

“Are you okay? Need any water?” She asked.

“Actually… yeah. When was the last time we all drank water?”

“Breakfast this morning, and now it’s…” Fallon looked at the setting sun. “At least after five.”

“Hit us with that water girl!” Cedric said.

“Sure, the ghost is gonna drink water.”

“The power of the imagination.”

She rolled her eyes and smiled, opening the water portal and calling for winter olps.

They being made entirely of ice, like a snowman, olps can only survive in the coldest regions of Uldine.

“Sorry about this my cute little ice cubes.” Miyu said, watching the four olps in their big glowing eyes and dumbfounded expressions.

Each on the team picked one up and held it over their mouths as they instantly melted.

“Ooo, cold.” Ezra said.

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