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"who in the god's name is making so much noise", lily said being woken up from her slumber.

"I swear to god if jisung is singing again i'm going to lose it". She got up from her bed and headed to where all the noise was coming from. 

"what the heck is going on in here" she asked walking into the kitchen.

"Well jisung tried to cook again and almost burnt the house down and now him and hyunjin are arguing" jeongin told her.

She looks over to the two still arguing and says "if you two don't stop yelling you're getting tissues for breakfast".

Jisung and Hyunjin both looked at her knowing if they kept going she would really do it.

"Jisung you know what happens when you try to cook why do you still try?"

"Because i was hungry and no one else was awake" he said.

"So you just decide it was a good idea to try and burn our house down?"


" you know this idiot doesn't think" hyunjin says.

" HEY I'M NOT AN IDIOT" jisung replies back.

"Well people who aren't idiots don't try to cook when they know they can't".

"So.. I'm still not an idiot i'm very smart".

"Yeah yeah .. Anyways what are we gonna eat jisung literally burnt all the eggs... literally" jeongin says.

"I guess i'm going to have to order something, from here on out jisung is no longer aloud in the kitchen", lily says.


"No buts", lily says cutting him off.

"You're lucky i'm not doing more than that after ruining my beauty sleep".

"Fineeee", he says.

All of the other members were clueless to the events that happened as they were asleep. But they always wondered why jisung would ask them to get him something from the kitchen and not get it himself they didn't ask why they just seemed to think maybe jisung was just being lazy. Little do they know the reason is far from that.

~Highlight~ skz 9th memberWhere stories live. Discover now