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The year of 2023 has come to and end many memories where made in the year of 2023 some unforgettable.

Lily is attending an end of the year of party her members from both straykids and leserrafim will be their along with a bunch of other groups like, newjeans, Ateez, TXT, G-(idle), and many more lily is excited to go into the new year with a bunch of people she loves.

"Hey guys, it's nice to see you it's been awhile", Lily says approaching newjeans.

"Yea it has, how are you", hanni says.

"I'm great thanks for asking how about you?"

"I'm doing good", she says.

"You guys have grown so much this year, it was amazing to see", Lily says.

"That's a relief, we're also very proud of what we've accomplished this year", minji says.

"I'm going to go see my leserrafim girlys talk to you guys soon?"

"Talk to you soon", hyein says.

Lily walks over to leserrafim by the balcony to catch up with as she has been with the boys for a few weeks now.

"Manchaeee", Lily says.

"Lily-unnie", eunchae says.

"Everything going good with the boys?", Sakura asks.

"Yep everything has been going well", Lily says.

"I'm excited for the new year you know, making new music going on tour"

"I'm most importantly excited to spend more time with you guys, even though you're my second family/group you guys mean a lot to me"

"You mean a lot to us too", chaewon says.

"Next year we have to go on vacation", Kazuha says.

"Most definitely", Lily says.

As Lily talks with the girls catching up on things talking about what their gonna do in the year of 2024 her child aka Jeongin comes up to her.

"Oh hell my child", Lily says.

"Chan-hyung wants to speak with you", Jeongin says.

"Okay I'll be over in a second", Lily says.

"Hey girls I'm going to go speak with boys for a second be bake before the countdown okay"

"Okay go speak with the boys", Sakura says.

"Hey guys what's up", Lily says walking up to the boys.

"Lily I wanted to speak with you and boys", chan says.

"Sure I'm listening", she says.

"So we all know it's about to be a new year I just wanted to talk about us as a group", chan says.

"First I want to say Lily we've seen you grow from being the only girl in our group to so much more and we are more than proud of for what you've accomplished"

"Even though you're busy a lot being a soloist and being in 2  groups at the same time, you always manage to make time for everyone around you and we appreciate that"

"We as a group also want to thank you for including us in your tour as you didn't have to but you did so thank you"

"Ahh guys your very much welcome and you know you guys are the most supportive people in my life you guys are my family and I would never ever ask for anything more, I want to see you guys grow as I grow we grow together not alone", Lily says.

"Also we are going to be with each other a lot more as you are coming on tour with me and we will get to make a lot more memories as a group as a family"

"I still can't believe I'm her child", Jeongin says.

"That you are", jisung says teasingly.

"jisung don't tease my child", Lily says.

"You heard that don't mess with me", Jeongin says.

Laughing Lily says "okay okay enough both of you", she says.

As it's becoming time for the countdown Lily gets her two groups or as she calls it her, "family" and gets ready to go into the new year with them.

"This year was amazing", Kazuha says.

"It most certainly was", Lily says.

"Im so ready for 2024", changbin says.

"Me too", both leserrafim and the rest of straykids say.

"Glad I got spend this year with you guys", Lily says.

"Well your stuck with us so you better be glad", minho says smirking.

"Oh shh", Lily says.

"The countdown is starting", jisung says.

At the sound of that everyone gathers together with their groups and friends to countdown into the new year.












"Wow it's actually 2024", Jeongin says.

"Happy new year guys", Lily says.

"Happy new year to you too Lily", chan says.

"This year was definitely your 𝗛𝗶𝗴𝗵𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁"

The end... 

Of book One 

Authors note - welcome to the end of book one "Highlight" book 2 will be out soon!

To everyone who read this book and voted on it thank you, words cannot describe how thankful I am for your support thank you for all the nice comments this is not the end of Choi Lily but the beginning.

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