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Here's some of Lily's humblest moments.



Lily was walking into an event more likely a Chanel event and of course their were fans/stays and fearnots outside waiting to hopefully see her.

Once she arrived at the event she could hear people calling her name as she stepped out the vehicle, she decided she would go say hi hoping to brighten their day a little.

"Hii guys, hello", she says approaching them.

"Lily I love youuuu"

"Can I you sign my album?"

"You're very pretty Lily"

"Of course I can sign your album"

As the fan was going to hand her something to sign with, one of the security guards pushed the fan back a little too rough for Lilys liking.

"HEY why did you push them?"

"They were getting too close", the security guard says.

"Firstly I would like to say if that was a problem I would have said something"

"Second she was handing me something to sign her album"

"And lastly you do not shove or push anyone here that is rude"

Then she went back to the fan asking if they were okay and signed there album not without telling them this.

"I'm so sorry that happened Im so thankful you support me and always remember I love you", she says.

"I love you too, thanks for signing the album", they say.



Lily was at an interview and like normal interviews they ask you questions about yourself, your career what you have upcoming this particular question Lily answered stunned a lot of people.

"So we all know your known for you beautiful visual, what do you have to say to all the young women and men out their that worry about theirs?", the interviewer asks.

"Well I think that everyone is beautiful and that these so called "standards" we have aren't what we should follow", she says.

"Everyone is beautiful in their own way no one's beauty is the same, so before any of the young women and men call themselves ugly realize that you are beautiful you're just your own beautiful", she says finishing the question.



Lily loves meeting with her fans it always brings joy to her day and on this day she had met a wonderful young fan of her's.

"Hii", the young fan say walking up to talk to her.

"Hii, what's your name", Lily asks.

"My name's Claire", she says.

"That is a beautiful name how old are you, your so cute", Lily says.

"I'm 9, and your very pretty in real life", she says.

"Well thank you, you're very beautiful yourself", Lily says.

"I love your necklace", she says.

"Really? When I chose this one out today I was thinking it wouldn't look nice", Lily says.

"It looks very pretty on you", she says.

"You like the necklace?", Lily asks.

Claire nods

"Here you can have it, I can always get another no worries", Lily says.

the necklace -

"Omg thank you so much", she says

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"Omg thank you so much", she says.

"Your very welcome, I hope you enjoy it", Lily says.

"I'm so happy I met you", she says giggling a little.

"I'm glad I met you too cutie", Lily says.



Lily tries to give back to the community as much as she can. It's the least she can do they are the reason she has and does what she does today.

"So I want to make the tickets free or some what cheaper for the concert", Lily says.

"I don't think we can make it free but we can lower the price", her manager says.

"Great! I just want to be able to see stays and Fearnots without it having a cost", Lily says.

"I'll see what I can do the most they might let us lowering the price", her manager says.

"As long as something is done for me to be able to see them without such high prices it's fine with me", Lily says.



Lately there has been some things wrong with buying Lily's album off of her website she has reached the marketing team and is getting the problem fixed but she wanted to make an announcement to the public about it.

Lilys post she posted on Twitter, Instagram and bubble.

Hello Lily here,

I want to say I know some people have been wondering why their transactions aren't going through to buy my album.
I currently do not know but I did reach out to my marketing and management team to get it resolved it should be resolved soon!

Since it is down for as of now I when it comes back up 50 albums will be free all you have to do is click checkout making sure your personal address information is there!

Sorry for the mishap it won't happen again and when you do get you album I hope you enjoy it.

Thank you.

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