𝑩𝑨𝑲𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝒇𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒔

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"Today I'm going to attempt to bake", lily says to herself.

"I really don't wanna mess this up but it's worth a try"

As she got up to go to the kitchen and make sure she had everything her members all started coming into the kitchen.

"Oh hey Lily-ah what are you doing?", changbin asked.

"Oh I'm going to attempt to bake a cake today", she said.

"Goodluck with that", he said laughing a little.

"HEY I said I'll attempt to I didn't say it was gonna be great", she said as he walked away.

"hopefully I don't ruin this but if I do I'll just buy a cake", she said.

She looked up a recipe that seemed easy enough for her to follow and not hard to do.

"2 eggs, okay", she said adding two eggs.


"aish who is that", she said.

"LILY-AH", someone called her.

"WHAT?", she shouted back.

"WHERE ARE YOU", they yelled back she assumed it was jisung.

"I'm in the kitchen and stop yelling", she said.

And of course it was no other than jisung.

"What do you want jisung I'm busy", she said.

"Oh nothing I'm just bored", he said.

"Well wanna help me attempt to bake a cake?", she asked him.

"Sure but if we mess this up I'm not taking the blame", he said.

"I'll take the blame don't worry", she said rolling her eyes.

"Now listen up squirrel, I have a recipe can you get the flour for me please?", she said.

"Hey im a cute squirrel and yes I'll get it", he said.

Jisung handed her the flour or what she thought was the flour she didn't really look when he handed it to her.

"Thank you", she said.

"Now we need to pour 2 coups of flour in to the bowl", she said.

As they put all the ingredients into the bowl stirred everything together they put it in the oven.

"Now we just wait", she said.

"Ugh I hate waiting", jisung said.

As they were waiting in the living room just talking about things they both like Felix and I.N walked in.

"hey Felix and my son", Lily said.

"Hi lily-ah and jisung", they both said.

"What are you guys doing on this lovely day?" She asked.

"Well we came to see what was burning?", they said.

"Huh? Burning?", she said.

"JISUNG THE CAKE", she shouted going to the oven.

They both ran to the kitchen and when Lily opened the oven let's just say it was a disaster...

"This is a total fail", she said.

"Obviously", he said.

"Wait a minute", she said.

"Felix can you get the flour for me please", she said.

"Yea sure but why?", he said.

"Just get it please", she said.

As he pulled out the flour that's when it hit her, jisung had given her sugar instead of flour.


"Wait why?", he asked

"You handed me the sugar instead of flour you dummy", she said.

"How do you get flour and sugar messed up..", I.N said.

"I don't know I really wasn't looking when I grabbed it I just assumed it was the flour", he said.

"Well who's going to tell chan you guys messed up the kitchen?", felix said.

"Not me since jisung messed up the cake he's going to tell him", Lily said.

"Uh no I'm not", jisung said.

"Oh yes you are, I.N call chan in here everyone else run", Lily said running away.

"Yes?", chan said walking into the kitchen.

"Jisung what happened? Why does it smell like something burnt?", he asked.

"Uh uh", jisung said.

Chan looked in the oven and that's when he saw the attempt of Lily's and jisung's cake everywhere in the oven.

"JISUNGGG", chan yelled.

The rest of what happened is yet to be known but what we do know is they say jisung still has bad dreams from cleaning that oven.

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