Harry Potter/Criminal Minds Crossover

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A Harry Potter/Criminal Minds Crossover Fanfiction



Summary still to be written - Secondary pairings still undecided, but the Primary Pairing will definitely be Hermione/Aaron Hotchner.


This one rather ambushed me. I've always enjoyed a good Criminal Minds/Harry Potter crossover, but on rewatching the series over the last several months, this idea, lovelies. It just grabbed hold and wouldn't let go. And given how much trouble I've been having with writing anything the last couple years? Well, I've just been letting myself roll with it. 

So here we are. The beginnings of a new project.

The informal summary: After her whole life falls apart in Britain in the years following the War, Hermione moves to the US with her daughter Rose, disappearing into the muggle world as Jean (last name tbd) with limited contact to the American Wizarding World only in her capacity as a leading Runes Master. It's there that she eventually fonds herself moving in next door to our favourite BAU Unit Chief, Aaron Hotchner and his son Jack, who quickly because little Rosie's best friend. Naturally, their children's friendship leads to a whole lot more developing between Hermione and Aaron.

And, of course, Hermione and Rosie's adoption by the whole BAU family and some inevitable magical aspects to at least one case necessitating Hermione's consultation. ;)

And forgive me for  loosing track, but I've read a number of x-overs where Rossi is a squib, most I think by the same author, and I just love that idea, so I'm going to be incorporating that. So I will be crediting that author for the inspiration once I find them again.


Sneak Peek

Time seemed to slow as the door - the locked door, as he distinctly remembered locking it after them - popped open.

With Jack's hand still a good two feet from the knob.

Aaron's heart was suddenly, painfully in his throat.

"Jack," he barked, already reaching to pull his son back from the door, already starting to bend to reach the gun strapped to his ankle.

Only to falter as Jean's hand closed tightly on his forearm, her nails digging almost painfully through his shirtsleeve. She had paled, her bourbon eyes wide and almost unnaturally intense despite her startled frown. Unease twisted in Aaron's gut.

"Rose?" she asked sharply. But the curly-haired little girl was already shaking her head, her brown eyes wide.

"It wasn't me, Mummy," she blurted.

"I'm sorry!" Both Jean and Aaron looked to Jack, Jean with dawning comprehension and Aaron with growing bewilderment. "I just wanted to show her my dinosaurs. I'm sorry," he said, his large eyes wide and frightened as he looked, panicked between the two adults. But Jean was already shaking her head, a gentle, reassuring smile on her face as she stepped forward, kneeling next to her daughter and looking to Jack. Aaron could only look on, stunned and utterly lost even as a glimmer of understanding began to take hold.

"It's all right. It was an accident. You didn't do anything wrong," she soothed. She glanced between Jack and Aaron. "But I think your Daddy and I need to talk." Aaron frowned, considering the woman kneeling next to his son.

She knew... she knew something about the odd, inexplicable things that sometimes happened around Jack.

"Yes, I think we do."

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