Star Wars ST - Kylo Ren/OC

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A Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Fanfiction



Kylo Ren is a lone agent of destruction, a separate, lonely entity within the First Order he is bound to serve. But an unexpected connection with a First Order seamstress - whose job it is to mend frayed edges and torn seams - might just hold the key to his redemption.


Oh, God...please stop me... Why is it that, when I'm trying desperately to work on ALLLLLLL my other stories - several of them already Star Wars - another one always inevitably invites itself to the party? It happened when working on Force Awakens (Sara's story materialized) and with Rogue One (Balance of Choice....) and now this. A Kylo Ren story. 

Gist of this one? Not a whole lot to go on, at this point, but thanks to the 'Laundry' scene and the random musing that someone would have to create and likely mend Ben/Kylo's (admittedly awesome) garments, our new OC, JM-3827 or 'Gemma', would be a garment officer or something in the First Order - likely stolen away as Finn was, perhaps even part of the Stormtrooper training program of Hux's and sent into specialization in garments.....or something....and relationship develops and she started nudging him back toward the light, blah blah, journey to redemption, blah blah, romance, you get it :P

...the question now is whether or not this one should be part of the Lady Adye story-verse. I have to be honest, I can totally see it.....

But yeah, development still ongoing...though hopefully not for a while yet as I am still hip deep in at least another half-dozen actively writing stories....I do have a few awfully poignant scenes from the climax already flitting around in my head, though....



HIs grip tightened on her arm. "And if I ordered you to stay here?" A deep, primal fear woke deep in her gut as her eyes went wide. 

But she said nothing. She didn't nod or shake her head. She just stood there, waiting, immoveable, her eyes fixed on the centre of his chest.

After an impossibly long moment, his grip fell away and he scoffed.

"That is one thing you need never fear from me," he said dryly, sounding nearly bored. "I am above such base desires."

Bizarrely enough, she believed him, and a shuddering, relieved breath gusted free.

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