Romance - Gym

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An Original Work



(MC) was well used to handling all manner of problems at the gym where she worked. She was certainly used to dealing with meatheads who didn't seem to understand that she really wasn't interested. It was nothing she couldn't deal with.

But still, when (MLI)—one of the few men at the gym she genuinely liked...and liked—stood up against one particularly persistent meathead on her behalf? When he took up the other patron's challenge to a fight in the ring?

Well, she wasn't about to do anything but agree to the terms of the bet placed.

A kiss for the winner.

And the potential for something more.


So this one I'm torn about. I've had it stuck in my head for a while and I am just loving the idea of it. It feels like a lot of fun...especially when the MLI (Main Love Interest) rather resembles Michael B. Jordan. 

However...given that the MC (Main Character) is presenting in my head as a white woman and her love interest is obviously black as the facecast suggests, my brain seems rather convinced that there will likely be some racial tension making its way into the story, even if only in the background, if that makes sense. 

It wouldn't be a central theme by any means, since I definitely don't feel I am qualified in the slightest to properly do it justice if it were - not to mention, the story is intended to be a light bit of feel-good fluff - but it feels like something that can't be left out or ignored, either. And given that I myself am a white woman, I am aware enough to know I risk handling it wrong no matter my best intentions purely because of it. 

Hence my hesitation despite how clear the story has become in my head. I really want to handle it right and with respect even if it isn't a major component, you know? Racial inequality such a serious and important social issue of our time that I really don't want to accidentally trivialize or mishandle it and I'm afraid that, though it would never be my intention, it may come across that way if I do go ahead and write this one. Because at the same time, it feels like an element I can't ignore given that the main couple would be an interracial one for the same reason; because it is an inescapable reality within our society that deserves acknowledgement, even if only in passing. I feel like to not acknowledge it so would be doing a disservice to the story, the characters and my respect and empathy for minority communities.

I hope that makes sense....

It's a conundrum, to be sure. Because I really do like the story as it's playing out in my head. It's sweet and lovely and very fluffy. ;D 



It's all still stored up in my head, at this point. So no blurbs for sharing just yet.

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