Romance - Affair

16 1 0

An Original Work



Still working on it.


Like many of the others, the general arc for this one is worked out. It's just details left....and, you know, the actual writing of it... 

The story's going to encompass our MC, Emma, falling in love with an as yet to be named man, only to find out he's a little more, erm, married than he let on. Of course, the situation is more complicated than it seems, but naturally, that's not going to come out until later what with her not interested in explanations and so on, when circumstances leave her with nowhere else to go. ;) Cue drama, because what's the point if there's no'd be boring otherwise, after all.

The question I'm hung up on at the moment is whether to start with the initial affair that starts everything off, or whether to let the details come out as the story progresses.

One thing that is certain? My muse seems convinced that our leading man looks rather like Matthew Goode....How the heck that happened, I don't know....but it kind of works.



She looked down at the card in her hand, skimming the handwritten message for the hundredth time regardless of the fact that she's long since memorized it.

An address with six little words written carefully beneath it.

If you need somewhere to go.

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