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Watching over New York, which just doesn't ever seem to go to sleep. A part of me wonders if the dark circles under my eyes have started to sink into my cheeks. Something about sleep is for the weak and with great power comes insomnia-driven justice.

The radio sounds off, "Rhino on the 45th. All badges please respond. Standard Protocol."

I sigh as I glance down the side of the building.

"Standard protocol just means just wait till someone dumb enough is around to put the animal back behind bars," I fire my webbing at the edges of the building and launch myself off the edge and towards the opposite skyscraper.

Firing a web to swing around the corner, I glide down the side of the tower. Feeling the glass underneath my fingers before I finally reach a stone slab which I launch off of to torpedo myself closer to the 45th.

I hear my phone ring in my ear.

Answering it, "I can't hear you over the turbulence."

"Was wondering if you are headed my way," I hear her chuckle. "After all there's a big guy rampaging through the city and I'd love it if he didn't demolish the only building that you have outed to the cops."

"If this is about that police raid-"

"That cleared out all of my stashes, took my equipment-"

"I just felt that it was getting cramped in there."

She sighs with a laugh. "Here I thought you'd bend the rules a bit for me."

"You wouldn't share the kitty litter."

"An honest mistake~" She chuckles. "Try not to get yourself crushed, I'll be watching."

The call cuts. It's always been like this between the two of us, just a bit of guilt being thrown both ways and it ends up with her just saying that she is keeping an eye on me when in reality I have no idea what she is doing.

She could be in bed right now, waiting for a not-so-law-abiding Spider-Man to storm the fort.

Please god, don't let that thought ever cross my mind.

I spot Rhino down below, I nose-dive toward him. Deafened by the momentum I am traveling I sling webs ahead of me and roll my body to launch my feet straight into his armored back. I connect with him and with a crash his armored body travels down the street as I flip backward off of him.

Landing on my feet I can feel my knees shake.

"Will never get used to that," I whimper.

The dust settled as Rhino lifts himself out of the pavement with a growl.

The dust settled as Rhino lifts himself out of the pavement with a growl

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"Rhino!" I open my arms. "For a cybernetic experiment that is having a hard time pulling a plug on your suit."

He roars at me, plating covers his face as he charges at me like a real rhino. I sling my web to the side to pull myself out of the way. I use the momentum to sling another web into his armor and swing around to his back.

Order of Webs: Spiderverse fanfiction (Male Reader x Spiderverse)Where stories live. Discover now