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Meeting up in what look almost like a massive park placed in the center of the residential area of the station. I can spot the group all casually waiting around to get ready to leave at any point.

The more I look at it, the more it feels like this was created to unite every Spider. Well, that is coming from the perspective of a Spider-Man that is tired and has barely been through his 'golden years'.

Gwen looks at the two of us. "Doc says anything out of place?"

I rub my stomach. "Just the suit needing some repair, but nothing more than that. Keeping an eye out in the case of suddenly growing another appendage."

"Another?!" Peter pops in.

"Said the wrong thing," I chuckle. "Hey guys," I lift my hand from my pockets.

"Sup?" Younger Gwen greets me. "Heard that you had an intense start."

An Older man walks in pointing at her, "Nothing tops going through the motions the worst way possible," he offers his hand. "Peter B. Parker."

The Peter I've recently met points at him. "The Older One."

"And slightly more out of shape," Miles quips.

"I've been working on it," I shake his hand. "And woah you are taller than most of the Spiders around here." For an older Spider-Man, it feels like this man has a lot more energy in him than the rest of us.

I chuckle. "Makes me easier a target," I state.

"Oh I'd believe that," he lifts his hand. "Hey, Cindy."

She waves at him, "Hey Peter," she cocks her head, "didn't think you'd still hang with us younger Spiders."

"There's a clear animosity towards me and I am going to let it slide," he rests his hands on his hips. "So whose hungry?"

Miles, the one that I know shakes his head with a chuckle. "Think all of us, kind of tired of the food we get here, something a bit less artificial would be nice."

Peter looks at him. "We'll I'd offer to make us all some but I don't have an apartment big enough to fit a group like us," he then rests his arms on a different Miles, "Also, Miles, Miles rest of the spiders you haven't met."

He points at me, "Also a new guy."

"(Y/N)," I greet him.

"Cindy," he gestures at her.

"Hey, Miles."


There isn't a clear difference between the two of them apart from their hair, I guess. I just need to see the suits to get used to who I am going to be talking to half of the time. But it looks like this is probably going to be the team from now on.

Younger Gwen looks at Peter B, "Where's Mayday?"

"At MJ's," he sighs. "Sleeping too, or I hope so, otherwise this is going to be an incredibly short trip for me."

Cindy asks, "You usually bring her along when you do visit."

"You know it was brought to my attention that maybe it is a bad idea to bring her along, I save it for the times when Miguel is around," he chuckles, "She loves him."

"And he tolerates you," Older Gwen remarks.


Older Gwen lifts herself from where she is sitting pulling the attention from the two of us to her, she waves at us as we step aside while they bully the old guy. I can see Peter watching us from the corner of his eye before he joins in their conversation.

"Have you told him?" Gwen asks Cindy.

She nods. "What we know anyways."

She nods again, "We don't know what Lucy is after but Miguel and Miguella's insistence on doing this... the hard way is proving to be harder than we thought. Waiting on them to make a move isn't going to work."

"What can we do?" I ask. "These things probably track our movements for both our safety and the rest of the Spider's safety."

Cindy states, "There are sanctioned uses and unsanctioned. Traveling with someone else to their world is fine, but it tracks if you go somewhere that you aren't familiar with and ARAC_NAE is on top of that at all times."

Gwen crosses her arms. "They are looking for Symbiotes for a reason. We should use that as bait and wait for them, we spin our webs and wait for them to fly into it and then it is on our terms."

"Bait?" I stop her. "That means needing to find a Symbiote first and foremost."

She gestures to herself. "We have one right here."

"On you-"

"No obviously not," she breathes out a sigh. "I know where to get one that won't be any trouble to work with."

Cindy breathes out with a sigh, "The biggest flaw in the plan is that we are relying on factors that would ever make them look your way... that Lucy doesn't place you instantly, smells something wrong."

"She doesn't have a Spidey-sense, even if she was the Anti-Venom took that away the moment she became his host," she shuts her eyes and breathes out a heavy exhale, "This is just when we don't have an alternative."

"Symbiotes are dangerous," I express. "Controlling them-"

"They are symbiotes, it isn't about controlling them but wielding them," she states. "Working together, harmony, that is what they are looking for and I can do that."

Cindy stops her, "Last resort, Gwen. Remember?"

"I am just telling him that we have that idea for a while and when we do it that it doesn't just come out of left field."

I nod slowly. "I know how to incapacitate... or otherwise kill them," the two of them look at me, but Cindy doesn't look nearly as surprised. "I've done it before wiping out almost all of the Symbiotes in my world."

Gwen nods. "We can go through it if absolutely have to."

"Agreed," Cindy nods.

"If they leave us little choice," I state.

Order of Webs: Spiderverse fanfiction (Male Reader x Spiderverse)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat