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We all sat down in a restaurant in one of those massive booths that would fit eight people. I also just noticed that in this group there are two doubles for Miles, Peter, and Gwen. The two people that are the odd ones obviously are me and Cindy.

We all sat down with Cindy at the wall, then me, then Older Gwen, and then Pete. Across from him is the new Miles, Peter B, Miles, and younger Gwen against the wall.

We have barely sat down and all of their focus is on me.

I lift my shoulders into a shrug. "I don't really know, I kinda just went full-time with the Spider-Man deal as the only thing I can do. I never had a plan for anything other than being just Spider-Man and if it wasn't for James Jameson I would have been living off of scraps and soup kitchens."

"Wait!" Both Peters look at me.

"Here we go," Gwen chuckles.

"JJ likes you?!" Peter B almost stood up from his seat. "This is unbelievable... and he is the sole reason why you get paid as well?!"

Miles lifts his hand, in a whisper her tries to calm him down, "Uh, we aren't here as Spider-men."

"Oh, right," he clears his throat. Settling back into his seat he flashes me a simple smile before it changes to a glare and in a whisper, he yells at me, "He likes you!?"

"It was his idea that I get paid for the work I do..."

Pete shakes his head, "You are lucky, in every other universe he does not like the idea of Spider-Man in the slightest. Like, he has been trying to Spider-Man unmasked for a while and most of us worked at the Daily Bugle for him."

I nod slowly. "Ahh... so you just took pictures of yourself and gave it to him."


"He didn't question that you were the only one that got the pictures either?"

They look at each other. "Uhh... no?"

Cindy states, "I think it is just more baffling that he of all people in one universe is actually on your side rather than believing your existence is the sole reason why everything is happening."

Younger Gwen adds, "Like how the chief of police, my dad, wanted to stop the Ghost-Spider and bring her to 'justice'."

Miles adds, "I mean I am kind of in the same boat as him," he points at me. "Sure I've made some mistakes and had to apologize publically but everyone pretty much loved me."

Peter B sighs, "I would have loved that kind of support, it would have been easier on the love handles as well."

"Sure it would, Peter," Older Gwen remarks.

"Hey! I am a father, I don't have to take this from you."

Cindy chuckles, nudging her elbow against me, "He's making it sound like he was the one that had the hardest time going through MJ's pregnancy."

"Don't blame him," I state, "I'd be terrified if I got someone pregnant."

Older Gwen looks at me, "Sure that's the first thing every girl wants to hear."

"It worked for him," I gesture at Peter B.

He lifts his hands in defense, "Now if you need any form of advice on the subject matter then feel free to ask me because I've gotten a pretty good handle on this being a parent thing."

"And how is it?" Younger Gwen asks.

"Much harder than being a hero," he exhales sharply.

I shake my head at him, Cindy nudges my side as she asks, "It looks like you are dying to tell him that he is incredibly wrong about that fact."

I smile at her, "He's been through most of the hell already, emotions are harder to deal with than things that you can just throw in prison. Then there is the Lizard... I think those two are pretty high on the list of things I don't want to sit with."

"Emotions? Really?"

I clear my throat. "I misworded that, the ones that make me upset."

She chuckles. "I get that," she twists her lips to the side as if she wants to bring something up but she shakes her head slowly.

I feel something through my senses, I glance at the rest. All of us feel like something is about to go horribly wrong at any moment. We all glance at the people rushing into the restaurant with loud gunshots firing through the entrance with men shouting at everyone to stay in their seats.

The few that pushed into the building all lift their weapons and keep them trained on the people sitting around on the seats.

"You can't even have dinner," Peter B sighs as he sinks in his seat.

Miles then looks at him with wide eyes, "Wait wait wait, I don't think that's the problem."

Older Gwen chuckles, "Pressing matters, team."

I slip the mask on despite my clothes only for one of them to rush to our table with guns pointed at us. "Don't you fucking move," his gaze locks onto me with a disgusted stare probably because I am a disgusting Spider-Man fanboy.

We all lift our hands. "We're cool," Miles breathes out.

"Take off the stupid mask-" I sling my web against his forehead and pull him down and with a loud back he crashes against the edge of the table.

All of us leap out of the chairs and almost instantly have our masks on. I rush down the aisle and shoulder the guy closer to the exit. As he stumbles back I grab him and throw him to the wall and through the wooden paneling.

I grab the weapon and web it onto the ceiling before rushing outside to see a large convoy of the same people rushing through the area.

Older Gwen rushes out next to me. "Looks like a hostile takeover."

"From this world?"

"Don't think so."

"I'll follow the convoy, just communicate with me what comes next."

I shoot my webs to the top of the building, wrapping the webs around my wrists I pull myself to it, and the moment my feet touches the top of the building I launch myself off of it and break the tiles underneath me.

Hopefully, that doesn't ruin the reputation any more than it has. Maybe they just need to meet my JJ to have a change of heart... but I don't think we are going to eat here now that they know I get paid back at my world.

Order of Webs: Spiderverse fanfiction (Male Reader x Spiderverse)Where stories live. Discover now