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I reach my hideout, the only place where I have been living for the past few years on and off. A gift from a certain someone.

This place is a workshop with all the latest tech that money can buy and sometimes they drop by to give me some upgrades to work with. Recently the Cybertech that created the Rhino has made so many advances that they are ready to militarize it.

And now I have it to work on my suit.

My webs are organic but despite that, I am not as good with my webs as I should be. It felt so much easier to follow suit after the Spider that bit me. Like a Wolf Spider, I prefer to hunt after them using my strength and agility but never my webs.

Against Rhino I have to push myself past my comfort zone. But never mind that for a moment, my focus is on the multiverse.

The word has been on my mind the entire night as I was swinging lazily towards the hideout to get some rest. Silk, I assume that is what she called herself, came out of nowhere and treated me as if I should just understand it.

But I could sense her as if my Spidey Sense needed to let me know there was someone close to me. Where did she come from? Am I in her universe? Are there any other Spider-Men like me? Are they all me?

Maybe there is a world where I didn't have to lose everyone I cared about to become Spider-Man. Maybe he can tell me what I should have done differently... but then again, I'm fine with what I have now.

I climb over the edge of the building and enter through the roof of the building. The stairs lead to the top room which is an apartment and underneath the entire apartment is a lab.

I flip on the lights and walk straight to the elevator to take me to the lab. It is more of an armory than anything but I've had plenty of time to run through schematics given to me because I am not nearly smart enough to invent anything.

But the ideas are enough for me to bash my head against the table till something works for me.

Shutting my eyes tightly I lean against the side of the wall as I feel my back ache from that attack. Doesn't help that there were two of them, I haven't ever had the luxury to plan a situation where they'd have two Rhinos on top of me.

The door slides open and I push myself forward. I step forward to the back of the lab to boot up the computer. I hear silent feet land behind me as I feel a little smile spread across my face before glancing over my shoulder to see her sitting on one of the tables.

 I hear silent feet land behind me as I feel a little smile spread across my face before glancing over my shoulder to see her sitting on one of the tables

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"You don't know how much that suit works for you."

I shake my head at her. "Guess you can say it suits me, I'd ask you how you got in but I guess that is more my fault for leading you to this place in the first place."

"You've found me in worse places," she remarks. "Though between two Rhinos are probably pretty high on the list of things you don't want to be in the middle of. You okay?"

"I'm surviving-"

She turns me to face her, pushing me back into the table her fingers reach for my mask. I grab her wrists but she narrows her gaze at me as if she could see my expression straight through the mask.

"Felicia-" She cocks her head at me.

I loosen my grip and allow her to take it off. She shakes her head at me with a heavy exhale, "I sometimes wonder who is going to kill you first, the six, the city, or you."

I pull my gaze away from her and turn back to the console. "Whatever it takes to keep everyone safe from the Villains and themselves if I have to," I slip the last part in.

"You can't protect everyone, especially not tired."

"Don't want to have this conversation with you right now, let me just finish up this first," I gesture to the computer screen. "We can grab a bite, maybe something to drink and then we can get into all of the reasons why."

"Then in favor of not fighting with you for one night of our lives," she sides next to me as she looks down at the mask. "What happened out there?"

"Met another Spider," I answer truthfully. "Apparently I am going to learn more about it sometime soon but right now the concept of a multiverse exists and I can't get my mind off of it. More than one Rhino..." I chuckle.

"More than one Felicia," I glance at her as she smirks. "Wonder if you'd listen to me more if I found (Y/N) a little bit more obedient."

I furrow my brow at her, "Now that feels kind of sick and twisted and I am going to need you to never mention that again, ever. I don't like the idea of having to fight with myself."

"Any more than you have to already?"

I roll my eyes at her. "Wonder if the Felicia's in the other worlds are just as stubborn."

"Probably," she smiles as she breathes out with a sigh.

I glance at her and then back at the console. "Well... don't know if the other Spiders could ever convince you to partially give up your burglar ways as I have."

She scoffs. "Given up, you can barely catch me."

"I am faster on my feet," I admit. "Not that much with my head."

"Right," she places the mask down beside me before walking away from me.

"Where are you going?" I try to stop her but she already yanked her hand away to make sure I don't get a hold of her.

"It's late and I don't feel like heading back to my place. So either you choose to be Spider-Man and work all night and sleep on the cold floor."

"Or?" She winks at me as she heads to the elevator.

Damnit Felicia.

I push myself away from the console and head towards the elevator to catch up with her, she watches me with a smug expression while I sulk about how much she inconveniences maintenance.

But I act like that because I think she gets a kick out of it.

She's cuter when she's not angry at me.

Order of Webs: Spiderverse fanfiction (Male Reader x Spiderverse)Where stories live. Discover now