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There might be some merit in pursuing Gwen's idea. Even for a moment of attention would be easy for us to get to them... but as much as I'd rather put myself in that situation I can't because I've never had a Symbiote that I could host without it trying to take me over.

The idea of perfect symbioses with those things is harder than you'd think.

All of us have already passed through one of the gates and are walking down the streets of Earth-1048. The two Miles' and younger Gwen are taking the lead with the two Peters in a conversation with Older Gwen while I am walking with Cindy.

I clear my throat, "Do you guys always end up here?" I ask her.

"We all have our turns," she states. "So there's a good chance that everyone is going to want you to take us to your Earth eventually. Show us around, maybe they like the food there more than they like it here," she gestures to the area.

I chuckle. "I wouldn't mind showing you around."

"All of us," she arches her eyebrow at me.

"What did I say?" I furrow my brow trying to recall what I said.

She shakes her head at me. "If you want to steal me for that you can just say so, but everyone's going to want to check it out."

I puff my cheeks. Definitely not a bad idea but there is this little problem of wondering what is going to happen if Cindy and Felicia cross paths. Felicia made it terribly clear that the two of us would never work but even then she still has feelings.

Hell, I think I still have feelings for her even though I know better than that.

But then again, what is this? 

"Definitely sometimes."

She digs her hands into the pocket of her jacket, "Sounds good."

I gesture at the people in front of us. "This the full team? Apart from Penny which isn't here."

"Kinda," I follow her gaze. "Peter B is more like a sub-in because he joins in on some of the missions because he wants to. Miles from this Earth is new just like you and it looks like he is already kicking it off with himself."

I chuckle, "Imagine not being able to get along with yourself," I shake my head. "With how things are standing now I think I should stay clear from anyone that is me, it just feels like I don't like myself."

"That comes off as a little depressing," she smiles at me.

"A little?"

"Yeah... the first meeting with yourself hasn't been exactly smooth."

"It couldn't have gone worse what do you mean not exactly smooth?"

She chuckles, "Sorry, yes, it was terrible. It couldn't have possibly gone worse."

Unless you think about it for a split second and then you realize I could have died but that is just bound to kill whatever the mood is right now. So I am going to shut up before I will be tucking myself into bed later.

"What about Cindy from 616?"

She cocks her head. "It's like looking in a mirror, it feels like some versions of yourself is a spitting image and others are people wearing your face but they never went through anything you went through."

"Yet we all feel connected."

She nods. "Spiderverse."

"Come again?" I cock my head at her.

"You are going to have to sit through that lecture with Miguel, he is fascinated by it because it is the one key thing that draws us all together," I return my gaze to the rest of them. "Maybe it has something to do with our origins, maybe how we came to be, or maybe just how the Spidey-sense works."

"And that made the Order of Webs."

"Something like that," she squints, cocking her head side to side. She probably doesn't have a solid idea about it either.

"What do you think happens to all of this," I gesture to the Spiders walking in front of us, "when we stop the multiversal threats? Do we all just say our goodbyes and go back to our lives? Or isn't it that simple? Or do we not have to leave when everything is done?"

"Well... who said anything needs to end," she smiles at me.

I smile down at her. "Yeah, I guess nobody said that, I was just curious if there was something about Multiversal travel that would stop that."

She shakes her head. "Nope. Nothing like that, but that does mean we have more obligations in our own worlds which would mean everything would all go back to normal. Just going to have to find the openings to meet with everyone again."

I chuckle. "The station is probably always going to be there."

"That is also true." She twists her lips to the side, "Why... do you think it is better that way? When it all ends to return back to before all of this?" I feel my smile fade as I watch her expression, the question feels like she hates the thought of that being the case.

"Sorry," I awkwardly chuckle, "I didn't mean to make it sound like that is what I want. I'd hate to lose this. Knowing that I am not as alone as I always thought I was."

I feel her closer to me. "Good save."

"Thanks, I've had plenty of practice with that." I look at her. 


"Yeah... probably not something either of us wants to get into."

"If the plan was to make me not interested, it isn't working," I look at her to see her amused expression. 

"Yeah... don't ask."

"I wont~" She chirps. "I am enjoying the experience."

"Glad to hear that."

I notice Gwen shoot us a glance before she slows down to meet up with the two of us. "How are we feeling?"

"Starved," I answer.

Cindy looks at her still maintaining her smile, "Same here, been a rough and long day."

Gwen groans, "Definitely. The happenings of this morning leading up to getting (Y/N) here and then another mission have been making me run on fumes." She looks at me, "Hope you are fine with a big dinner."

"It depends on whose pocket it comes out of," I chuckle.

"Pete will be fine," she states. 

Cindy looks at her, "Don't let him hear you say that, he'll start stressing out if you start talking about your appetite."

"Yeah, Peter B being here is already going to be a punch in the gut for the poor man's wallet," she looks at me. "Just be careful before you get nominated to be the next one who's going to supply dinner."

I stop her, "It won't hurt me too much."

"Seriously? What work did you do?"

The two of them look at me. "Uhh... you guys weren't paid for just being the friendly neighborhood Spider that kept people safe?"

"Wait, what, no obviously not." The two of them look at me with shock horror, Gwen looks at the rest, "Guys listen to this crap-"

Order of Webs: Spiderverse fanfiction (Male Reader x Spiderverse)Where stories live. Discover now