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I glance around this derelict apartment, I look at the bag of groceries on the kitchen island. I cock my head at it before looking at Felicia.

"Did you pay for this?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?" She counters before plopping down on the couch. "Get out of the damned suit, it is starting to smell like tar and dust."

I lift the suit to smell it before I defend myself. "I've been keeping it clean."

"You are worried about it being cleaned and all I really want you to do is get out of it, take a step back a couple of years and you'd be stumbling all over your words and now you are just looking through everything I say."

I crack a smile. "Got used to the commotion and the flirting."


I sigh and head to my room to get out of the suit, I pull it off of myself and get into something that won't get me scolded. I stop in front of the mirror in my closet and look myself in the eye.

When will you ever let yourself take a breather? Something to prove... huh, Spider-Man? Or was the idea to push yourself till you collapsed? Or maybe the idea that Felicia is right about something doesn't sit right with either of us.

Probably that.

I step outside of the room to see that she managed to change out of her costume into what she'd usually wear when we lived together. Knowing her she is just making it out that she isn't wearing underneath that shirt but she probably is just to tease me.

"Making yourself at home?"

"Slept in worse places."

"This place isn't terrible," I head to the island to look at the bag.

"Don't worry, I paid for everything." She slides the bag over to the side and places it on the counter. "Look at you listening to me, if only you listened more to me back then you'd not look like that."

I scoff. "Are you going to start with me about listening?"

"I can."

"Want to talk about how you relapsed? From crook to vigilante and being no better than the people I have to put behind bars."

She spins around and rests her back against the counter, lifting her hands up in defense, "I've kept my promises as long as you were able to compromise. When that stopped I saw no point keeping up my side when you could barely look at anything outside of just being the Spider-Man."

I web her wrists and pull them together, I grabbed her arms and shake my head at her. "I should be swinging you over to the closest precinct."

She lifts her head, and almost mockingly she smiles at me. "Go ahead," then cocking her head at me, "seeing the two of us have so many problems. But with the way you got me pinned here," she chuckles. She lifts herself to her toes to whisper in my ear, "I think there's somewhere else you'd like to take me."


"Besides, I've not been nearly as bad as you think I have been. Good girls deserve rewards don't they?" she pulls her head back into view.

I tighten the muscles in my jaw as I close the distance to kiss her, I break open the webbings around her wrists and she wraps her arms around me with her fingers digging into my hair. I lift her up to the counter as I continue to kiss her.

With a self-satisfied smugness about her, she pulls away from the kiss still inches from my face.

"I've done a lot of things out of spite, I've done a lot of things because it was safer for both of us and there were things I needed to do."

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