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Sticking my hand into a device with small needles pricking the skin of my hand, I watch it carefully trying to not move in case there is a hidden clause of not moving, and then the DNA match comes with something wild.

"A lot of DNA from your Earth's Wolf Spider but mixed with various other Spiders."

"Experiment," I state. "Oscorp tried to use radiation fusion to get the Wolf Spider to make use of webs to see if it would evolve around it."

"Too bad it bit you and died," she states.

"Died because I killed it after freaking about a spider larger than my face biting into the back of my neck," I add.

She chuckles. "In most cases, they die anyway after the radiation goes from its own body to yours," she informs me as she works on the console. "Earth 18117. (Y/N) (L/N). I made the profile, you don't need to worry about the specifics, the system will fill in the blanks for you."

"It knows everything?"

"Designed to rip as much information it can get from a world. It can be wrong sometimes so if you think something needs to be changed feel free to edit it as long as you have permission to do that."

"Right..." I am almost too scared to see what it is going to write about me.

Trying to make sense of things way above my intelligence level is pretty annoying.

"You will have access to most facilities, and..." I glance at her to see her attention focused on the console she is typing on. "You also have a room ready to be taken so feel free to request anything that you need to fabricate. The shutters will open soon to mark daytime."


"We are in a space station in a Universe that is underdeveloped in such a way that nothing can ever come from it. Earth-000000."

Damn, I didn't know what I was expecting but that was somehow not even a possibility that I would have considered.

"Why here?" I ask.

Another person answers as they walk into the room. "Nobody can find us here because we named it this way because we perceive it to be a paradox. Its existence doesn't make sense but the multiversal data designated the planet we are orbiting as 'Earth' but it doesn't inhabit human life."

I remark. "That comes from traveling dimensions."

"Paradoxes are time-related," she says, annoyance in her tone. "We don't need to explain it because there are no issues and this is the best way to keep the Order of Webs safe from anyone aiming to find us because they never will."

Silk finally states. "I am done, by the way."

I turn around to face the person that is staring me down. Good god she is tall.

(I read that there was Drama about genderbending this^ I don't care for it

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(I read that there was Drama about genderbending this^ I don't care for it. This was also the first image I found and I am not going to not use it. Ill put an alternate image at the bottom.)

"My mistake, hi, I'm (Y/N)."

She narrows her eyes at me, Silk walks towards me and grabs my arm bringing up a hologram where she connects this bracelet with the system.

"I'm running through his initiation and showing him around," Silk states, then looking at her. "(Y/N) this is Miguella O'hara. From Earth 931. Also one of the lead designers of this space station along with her male counterpart from Earth 925."

"A pleasure to meet you."

She looks me up and down before looking at Silk. "After you are finished with him I'd like the two of you to come with me to check something."

"How soon?"

"Hour or two from now," she turn around. "I hope to see what you can do."

She leaves the way she came.

"She always like that?" I ask Silk.

"Well considering that she wants to see what you can do and haven't made her judgment just from the way you carry yourself, I'll say you are a bit higher than most of the Spider-Men and Women that are here."

"Lucky me."

She nods. "You'll fit in, one way or another. You won't be alone, you'll have a lot of friends and people you can rely on," she finishes up with the bracelet before locking eyes with me. "For now, you can rely on me, and I'll rely on you."

I hold eye contact. "I got your back."

She cracks a sweet smile. "Just don't fall behind," she walks away from me and towards the doorway. "Come on, I'll outfit you with the standard tech and then I'll show you to your room."

"Got it," the two of us start walking.

"Just a rundown on things. Multidimensional Travel isn't dangerous and doesn't inflict any harm on the stability of worlds as long as we don't bring time travel into the mix because then we are just overwriting a future."

"Because time goes in a line, one of the few things I learned." She shakes her head at me, she looks almost amused. "What?" I laugh at her reaction.

"Nothing, it's just that almost everyone here is good with tech, save a few of them, it's kind of weird saying things and you might not understand a word I am saying."

I cock my head from side to side, "Ehh, I think better with reactions rather than my head."

"As Miguella said, 'I hope to see it'." She continues with her lesson on the multiverse, "There was a fear that interfering with worlds would make it unstable but that was disproven when with this world after building this station."

"That shouldn't be able to exist here but it does anyway, so a paradox?"

"You are right, just don't let her know that," we walk down the walkway and I greet all the Spider passing us almost all of them know Silk by name, and often some of them greet me with a small wave or with the Spider-man joke.

"So nothing can happen?"

"Even if you don't belong there, yes. Apart from getting trapped obviously. The biggest concern is that you make incomplete portals that can infinitely expand and create a singularity that destroys or forces the world through another."

"Miguella or Miguel can explain it better when you get to meet them, and when they decide to use their words." She gestures to the room across from us. "I'll run some diagnostics, maybe some of the Spiders in there might upgrade your suit if you want to. But they will upgrade your phone to handle the multiverse frequencies and link your suit with it."

"Alright," let's hope nothing explodes.

(The less muscled version

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(The less muscled version. Pick your poison.)

Order of Webs: Spiderverse fanfiction (Male Reader x Spiderverse)Where stories live. Discover now