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***  Lucille (Lucy)  POV   ***

"Casualties?" I ask with crossed arms.

"More or less than we expected," I twist my lips to the side at the news.

There's no point in losing more than we can gain but we got the Carnage strain from that world and if it pays off we can easily take back what we lost. The Simbiotes... or the few of them that are with us and are willing to cooperate are the only ones so in tune with their hosts that they achieved perfect symbioses.

I walk off of the platform I was standing on and into a swing deeper into the derelict ship that crashed on a planet. The rest of the symbiotes all follow suit with a good amount of them returning to their posts or deciding to take it easy.

"Was that you?" The low voice of my own Symbiote asks me.

"One of me," I state. "Thanks for healing his wounds for me, he wasn't going to fight back seeing as you can nullify most Spider's mutation."


"I've got the strangest feeling," I admit, he can probably feel that I am feeling anxious, "this isn't going to be our first time around and a good chance that maybe they listen but when we are so many," I glance at the ship filled with symbiotes, "they might see us more a threat."

"They don't understand, we do."

I glance to the side to see his face, almost like another head attached to my shoulder. We travel through the length of a ship. Landing near one of the exits to the outside of the ship he is already standing there waiting for me.

"Eddie," I walk past him, "did you find anything out there?"

He scoffs. "It's a dead world."

"I know," I walk through the already pried-open shutters. "We'll... find a way to fix our home if not we can always find another," I glance at the wristwatch that we counterfeited with our own tech... well, scrap is a better word for it.

He walks up behind me. "You think it's worth putting it all back together? Seems like a waste of time."

"It is, and we have plenty of time to waste." I counter as I walk up the end of the ramp leading down to take a deep breath of that fresh yet somehow disease-filled air. "But I care more about getting this ship space-worthy and then we can look for a new home."

"Giving up?" He laughs at me.

"I don't think I have another apocalypse in me," I state. "Would be best if this Earth died in silence, the only reference is that of her survivors that have long since left its surface. Would be idiotic to think I can fix anything here."

"Nothing worth fixing, you mean."

I don't respond.

In front of me, I feel a small smile spread across my face, the memories flood in but they go just as quickly.

An overgrown Earth, all hints of civilization belong to the beasts and the angry earth that wrapped itself around the stone.

"Go find Ellie, she has the Carnage Strain."

"And do what with it?"

"Find a host," I glance at him. "In the meantime, we work on salvaging what we can, I'll be back before tomorrow sundown with whatever I could scavenge and send the rest out when they have rested a bit."

"How did it go?"

"I found myself again."

"Going to kill this one?" He asks me. "Depends on his state of mind, depends on how much he believes in what he thinks is good."

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