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I have been helping everyone clean up this mess and transporting all of these soldiers out of here but there was only one 'clone' and it is quite unfortunate that I fought him without the utilities in my suit.

It would probably have been easier.

He probably wouldn't have had his hands on Gwen if that was the case.

When do I start making that decision for myself? When do I start realizing that I have to put more in with them because these aren't the people I am used to fighting with I can't just rely on my senses alone.

How can they count on me when I still have to convince myself to take that step further? I am not scared to stop pulling my punches, I am not scared to make decisions about who I am going to use all I have to stop them.

It's just that little part of that is still there, that good heart, that I swear I sacrificed a long time ago.

Standing on the edge of the roof, I sense Miles but not the Miles from Pete's world shows up behind me. "Heard that you had to deal with one of those clones," I glance at him. "Last time we tried to capture one I graduated before we manage to get him into a cell."

I look at him. "Luckily it was just a clone," I state.

"Gwen said you punched him and that was it," he sides next to me, "From where I am standing it sounds like the real Masters should be happy that it was a clone. Did you like... not hold back?"

"Held back a little," I lift my fingers to exaggerate the amount I was holding back.

I don't know if his enhances body would have been able to take more, but I know for a fact that a normal human's skull would have been crushed by that. So if I put any more into that I would have killed him on his feet.

"That's holding back?"

"A little," I add again.

"Woah," he chuckles. "You don't seem older than Peter B."

"Why bring that up?"

He lifts his shoulders, "I dunno I just like to think that you have a lot more experience than you are letting on. It almost looks like you've been doing it longer..."

I chuckle. "He's got a lot more experience than me, he just hides it better. A good chance that he'd be able to put me on the ground quicker than I am able to reach him."

"A fight between Spiders?" she crosses his arms. "I don't think I don't want to be there to see it, feels like nobody would get a hit in with the Spider-sense."

"Want to figure it out?" I turn to him.

He lifts his hands, "Woah woah woah, I - do you mean like right now? Wow. Uhm, I'd love to but you see I am not really into that kind of mentorship but learning the hard way is also pretty hard if you look at it."

I nod, "Oh yeah. So no on that?"

"Rain check?" He suggests with an awkward chuckle.

"Sure," I chuckle.

"So..." I glance at him. "What do you think is our biggest weakness? I've been asking around from the others and everyone's answer is because we were always alone and now that we are together we can finally do something more."

"You have your answer," I gesture at him.

"Oh... is that also your answer?"

"I think that is one of them," I then walk up to him pressing my fingers against his chest, "But this thing over here is our biggest weakness."

"The suit?"

"Sure, let's go with that," I chuckle and then walk off of the edge of the building and sling a web to land safely on the ground.

Our heart. Our good hearts. If anything is the same I'd like to imagine that all of us have good hearts and we try our best to do the right thing... with great power comes great responsibility, that is the phrase that is in the back of our mind every time we pull our punches.

Probably the thing that is going to be the death of us.

I land on the ground only to be met by Miguella approaching me. I glance at her, "This situation has been handled?"

She nods. "A more oppressive version of SHIELD, heard of the organization?"

I shake my head. "Does not ring a bell."

"We like to call them AIM because that is technically what evil SHIELD would be. But long story short they come from Earth 7851136, they were one of the first universes to develop multi-universal travel and they want to control them all."

I cock my head. "Like space police?"

"Close enough to the truth." She nods, then asks me, "Are you okay? Gwen said you stormed off immediately after the clone died."

I nod. "Angry at myself for not doing more," I admit. "Gwen wouldn't have to come to my rescue, she wouldn't have had to get hurt either."

She asks me, "Then what would you have done differently given the chance?"

"Is that really a question?"

"I suppose it isn't." She then exhales, "I only want the best for the Spiders and the safety of the people around us, but maybe we could learn more from those that are willing to do what it takes to win. As long as the lines don't start to blur."

"It won't."

"Good," she nods. "But don't be afraid to rely on us, and remember that you can't keep everyone from fighting. We are all Spiders fighting the same war, so don't treat us like we are going to be in the way."

I nod. "That's not really what I meant by it but I get what you were trying to say."

"As long as I get the point across," she turns around to face the vehicles. "But I don't need to hear anything from you, rather talk to your team and make sure they know what you are thinking because we all have to rely on one another."

I nod. "I'll be sure to do that."

"And try to keep it professional," she walks away from me towards a group of Spiders up the road.

"I'll be sure to TRY and do that," I glance down the opposite end of the road and pretty much instantly spot Silk among another group of Spiders as the finish up with things on their end.


Try is key here.

Order of Webs: Spiderverse fanfiction (Male Reader x Spiderverse)Where stories live. Discover now