Tickets&Money (2)

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Lilly POV——

The next morning I got up earlier than I usually do, I took a shower and did all of that stuff before I headed to work. I don't know why but I was just excited to talk to Ella about Tokio Hotel and learn more. I was so... interested.

"Ella!" I yelled excitedly and ran towards her.

"Hi Lilly!" She ran towards me as well and gave me a hug. "You're not usually a hug person, has something happened?"

"I'm just excited I'm really getting into this band, I know a lot of their songs and I kinda wanna go see them in concert." I say boasting on and on.

"Girl! They have a concert in Germany we could go to." Ella suggests, "They do get pricy though, They have an upcoming US tour that we could go to instead because traveling to Germany would be expensive, and we barely get paid enough honestly."

"I mean you're right, I've had some money saved up so me and you can put some money together and find out the dates." I start to get excited.

"Well, who's your favorite band member?" She asks.

"I really love Bills voice, Gustavs amazing drum playing and the way Georg plays but Tom really has me." I explain, hoping she doesn't find me weird.

"Oh... yeah Tom is nice Bill is definitely my favorite." Ella says, her voice getting weird but convincing.

For most of the morning as me and her served customers we just talked about them, and listened to their music when the café wasn't busy.

When the evening hit it got more and more busy and our conversations got less. There was just this weird feeling in the air and apparently we were the only ones talking about Tokio Hotel as these other girls walked into the café.

"Ugh Tom is so cute!"

"Don't even get me started on Georg."

"Gustav needs more love!"

"Okay but Bill? He's mine for sure."

Ella and I were giggling at the non stop conversation these girls seemed to have about them. The only thing I had to seem to notice was how they were only complimenting their looks and not the skills they have when they're out on stage. I mean yes I find Tom extremely attractive, but have you seen him play the guitar?

I start zoning out as I think of how Tom acts in interviews and how he looks when he does his solo with the guitar. Something about it just makes me fall.

"Hellooooooo? Earth to Lilly?" Ella is pretty much yelling into my ear.

"Yeah yes what's up?" I snap out of it and I look at her.

She starts talking about wanting to go to the concert. But not just going, she wants VIP and front row. Do you know how expensive that is.

Is she crazy? I would love to meet them but how are we supposed to get that money.

I pull out my phone and start looking at seat prices.

"150 or more for front row seats Ella!" I yell to her, clearly not surprised.

"Well yeah what did you expect?" She remarked.

"Vip for both of us is like another 50." I say a little disappointed.

Ella just shrugs her shoulders and says she's gonna start saving. I think that's a good idea but I already said earlier that I have saved up money so maybe I will go see them.


Ella and I have just been cleaning and talking about how will pay for this trip, but i've got an idea.

"How much money do you have right now?" I ask.

"I think like around a thousand?" Ella guesses.

Is this bitch for real.

"You have way more than enough to pay for VIP and front row, and I'll definitely have enough when I get paid tomorrow." I explain a little confused.

"I mean yeah, I just save it for emergencies." Ella explains to me frantically.

"Well if you wanna go to that concert you can use it, plus we get paid tomorrow so there should be no issue." I say.

We both come to an agreement and start to clean up the café for the evening.


I get home and again I'm listening to Tokio Hotel as I clean and a bunch of other stuff.

I start looking at the merch they sell online.

I don't know how this all started but Tokio Hotel has a grip on me and I want to see them more. There next concert is on Saturday this weekend, in LA. No surprise there LA is a big place, and popular.



Lilly: Hey girl. The next concert is this weekend on Saturday in LA, let's buy our tickets now. You down?

Ella: OMG yes! I'll order mine now. Front row&VIP?

Lilly: Yep.


I order my ticket and my VIP pass, just in time. It was almost sold out but I must've got there just in time.

Ella and I make sure to tell our boss what's going on and how we need the weekend on including Friday.

Our boss questions why we would need Friday off too but I said to pack and leave for the airport, I wanna get some clothes in LA.


Ich muss durch den Monsun,

hunter die Welt

Ans Ende der Zeit,

bis kein Regen mehr fällt

Gegen den Sturm, am Abgrund entlang

Und wenn ich nicht mehr kann,

denk ich daran

(Durch den Monsun - Tokio Hotel)

I didn't know German at all but that doesn't mean I didn't like their German songs. I love them, I still listen to them like I would with the English songs.

Monsun was their most popular song which is understandable because it is so good.


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