Chapter 2

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Authors note- Wow! I cannot believe this story already has like 35 views already!! Thank you so much to everybody who has been reading! So without further ado, here is chapter 2. Happy Reading! -Zenovia

Armin's POV

Chapter 2

I couldn't keep all of my thoughts in order after getting back to my dorm room. I felt like I was soaring on a roller coaster that kept going on forever. This was something that I had dreamed for every night, but I didn't think that it would actually happen to me, of all people! Me! Armin Arlert had reached for the starts today and I did the impossible, and my reward, was Eren.

All I wanted to do when I got back to my small home was to dance all of my emotions out until I passed out from exhaustion. And that's exactly what I did. I am lucky enough to live on my own because if somebody had walked into the room, they would have been greeted with the sight of an ecstatic nineteen year old boy, with shoulder length blonde hair, jumping up and down on his single bed, with bright blue headphones in his ears, and only clad in some basketball shorts, dancing to the beat of his own drum.

Before I knew it, I started spinning around the room like a top. With each note of music that pulsed through my ears, I would spin faster and faster. The posters on my wall flew past me as if I was riding in a car going 100 miles per hour on the interstate. I was pulled into a vortex of sounds and colors. With each spin, the torturous words that I was faced with every waking moment, flew away like a bird's feather falling in the distance. I soon forgot each of the names that I had been called in my miserable life. And only one word remained in the back of my head. Eren.

Honestly, I never would have guessed that this "emerald eyed beauty" might just possibly, be the first friend that I would have. The thought of this made me spin faster and faster. I was spinning so fast that colors formed together as if they were one big color tornado.

However, since I wasn't paying attention to where my two little feet were carrying me, I spun right into my desk, which earned me a huge red mark on the side of my right hip. I muttered a few curses and paused one of my favorite songs "Collar Full" by Panic! At the Disco, on my phone. I was panting and sweating from this little bit of exercise I did. But I couldn't stop myself from laughing. My smile was grinning so wide that the Cheshire Cat would have been jealous of me.

I sprawled out on my floor and looked up at my plain, white ceiling. I kept thinking that maybe my life was going to change on Friday. That I would be able look at myself in the mirror and tell myself that I wasn't alone anymore. That I had a friend. Just the thought of calling Eren my friend sent shivers down my spine. So many thoughts were cascading through my mind, that before I even realized it, my eyes were starting to droop ever so slightly. So many things had happened that day, that I wasn't surprised that I feel asleep withing the first ten minutes of laying on the carpeted floor of my dorm room.

I was slowly sucked into my dreams, and you would think that with all of the amazing things that had happened to me today, I would dream sweet dreams of sunshine and Eren, but that's where the fantasizes end. Instead my dream was as terrorizing as the girl from the Grudge. In my sleep I saw fire, its warmth was encasing me like a prison cell. Eren was in my dream too. He was mumbling through words that I couldn't hear. But each time that I tried to understand what he was saying, the fire would wrap around me closer and closer, until I was worried about suffocating. Then, as if death himself was coming out of the shadows, another figure emerged from all of the smoke, but the smoke was so black and thick that I couldn't see who this mysterious person was. All I wanted to do was scream and run out of the fire. I realized that tears were streaming down my eyes, and all I wanted was for somebody to wake me up, to try and get me out of this horrible nightmare, that seemed like was lasting for a lifetime.

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