Chapter 5

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Authors Note- Thank you to everybody who has been reading! I love writing this story so much and I have so much planned for it in the future. So here is Chapter 5, and don't worry, this chapter will be much longer and it will have the Halloween party ;) -Zenovia

Armin's POV

Chapter 5

I couldn't seem to wipe the smile off of my face the day before the Halloween party. Things in my life had finally taken a turn for the better. In the matter of only a few months, I had a person who I could easily call my best friend, I finally realized that I was gay, and I was going to my first ever party in a matter of only a few hours. Life seemed simple and easy for once. There was no pressure to pretend like I was okay, or to pretend like I was something I wasn't. I could look in the mirror and not be ashamed of who I was.

For the special holiday, the college decided that it was okay if the students and faculty dressed up for the occasion. So many thoughts went into picking who I would be this year. The choice had to be perfect. I was standing in my dorm room with Eren, trying to decide what I would be. "Armin? Why do you love Halloween so much?" Eren said. "Well, there are multiple reasons why I like it, for one, you get to eat as much candy as you want and nobody can tell you otherwise. Another reason is because I love the idea of being somebody else for a single night, to be able to leave your own identity and take somebody else's, and one of the main reasons why I like it so much is because when I was still in high school, I was involved in Pep Band, and each year, we would get to play at a tournament football game on Halloween night. Our band director was cool enough to let us dress up for the holiday and everybody loved it! Halloween came just in time for me some years, whenever I felt like I was beginning to sink into a depression, Halloween saved me from drowning any further. It showed me that life could be exciting and fun, and that sometimes, being somebody else for a single night, wasn't such a bad thing. Ever since then, I have been infatuated with the holiday."

Eren just smiled at me as I rambled on about the certain holiday. "I think that is absolutely amazing Armin, and your band director sounds really cool." Eren said. "Yeah she was. But come on Eren, you are supposed to help me pick out who I am going to be!" I exclaimed. Eren laughed at my eagerness "Alright, calm down there Blondie, well has there been anything that you have been totally obsessed with during the year?" Eren asked. I tried to think of what my interests took a turn for this year, then an idea finally popped into my head "I have been loving all of the Avengers movies this year! I love Captain America and Hawkeye a lot!" Eren looked up and down at me with eager eyes. I suddenly felt my cheeks growing warmer. Eren just staring at me like this caused the ocean currents to erupt inside my stomach. I tried to keep all of my emotions under control.

"I think you could totally pull off a more skinnier version of Captain America. I know a person who could totally make the costume really form fitting so it will accent all of your assets in all the right ways." Eren smirked. I giggled at his comment "I don't really have any good assets when it comes to my body." I chuckled. "Oh bullshit Armin, there are plenty of good things about your body. You may be skinny, but I have seen some hidden abs whenever your shirt hikes up. And your calves are really big since you skate everywhere you go...and you have a pretty nice ass." Eren winked at that last comment. In that moment I could have passed out from the lack of oxygen in my blood. Even though I was always a well spoken person, I had no words to try and make up for what Eren just said. All I did was stare at him, with my sapphire eyes, trying my hardest to keep from having my brain burst a fuse. "Um...I...uh...thank you?" I muttered out. Eren just kept laughing. "Well lets go to the costume shop downtown and pick out a Captain America costume for you." Eren said. "Are you going to dress up for tomorrow?" I asked. "Yeah, but my costume is really easy to make so I will just make it tonight when I head back to my dorm." Eren replied. I looked up at him with eager eyes, "Weeell" I dragged out. "Well what?" "Who are you going to be for Halloween?!" I asked.

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