Chapter 6

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A/N- Thank you to everybody who has been reading so far. I am so excited to continue with this story, and if you guys have any suggestions for it, don't be afraid to message me! So here is the continuation of the Halloween Party! Be prepared for an overload of cuteness! Happy Reading-Zenovia

Armin's POV

Chapter 6

Marco and Jean's apartment was covered in blankets and the smell of popcorn being made. Everybody was rushing into the small living room to reserve their spots for the scary moviethon. Since none of us had classes the next day, we could all stay at the apartment until the early hours of the morning. As I was observing all of my surroundings, I couldn't help but smile and laugh. I must have looked pretty odd, just laughing in the middle of everybody zooming to the living room because I caught the attention of Eren. "Hey Armin, you doing okay?" Eren asked. I turned towards him, and my heart started to race, but I kept smiling and replied with "Eren, I couldn't be any happier right now, I feel electric." I laughed. Eren just smiled along with me, and I got to see his cute little dimples come out of hiding. Eren just gently grabbed me behind my back, nearing my waist, and lead me into the living room so we could watch the movie with everybody else.  

Eren and I shared a huge blanket, but yet we were sitting shoulder-to-shoulder. His warmth enveloped me in a tight embrace, and I felt completely calm and at ease. I looked around the room and giggled with what I was greeted with. I saw Connie and Sasha sitting next to each other; probably holding hands underneath the blanket with the way their arms were situated, gobbling down the bowl of popcorn. Then I caught a sight of Ymir and Krista cuddling. Hanji and Erwin were yelling at each other, debating which was the scarier movie, "The Conjuring" or "Annabelle." And trio of Annie, Bert, and Reiner, were all huddled together underneath a very small blanket. I kept giggling to myself until Marco put in the first scary movie. We were watching a classic, it was called "The Exorcist." I had heard of the movie before, but scary movies never really phased me. Whenever I thought that I might be getting scared, I would just think to myself that none of what I am seeing, is real. Everything is just played up so that Hollywood can survive. With all of my practical thoughts running through my head, I would never get scared. 

All of my tactical thinking came into great use when the first jump scare occurred. I didn't even blink an eye when the loud music played over the scene. Although, I heard Connie groan, and I looked over and saw that Jean was holding onto Marco tighter than I ever thought was possible. Everything was going fine for me, until there was a more intense scene with the girl getting possessed. My heart started to beat a little faster, and my instincts were telling me to look away, and I would have, if I hadn't suddenly felt Eren's hand on mine. 

My blood seemed to run cold, and it wasn't the movies doing. I didn't know how to react in this situation. Most of the time, Eren and I would only hold hands if it happened on accident, but even after the scary scene was over, Eren's hand was still grasping onto mine. I could feel my cheeks growing warmer, and I was thankful that it was dark in the room because I felt as if my face was as red as a tomato. I just decided to let Eren's hand rest in mine, and with each frightening scene, his hand would clench just a little bit tighter onto mine. Everything was going fine, until one of the most famous scenes in the movie, when the girl's head starts turning like an owls. I heard multiple gasps around the room, and a few screams from Connie and Krista, but the most startling thing was that Eren pressed his face against my chest. He pulled his free hand around my waist and pulled me closer. I could feel that he was shaking in fear. I just decided to do the most natural thing, I pulled him closer into me so that he was almost hugging me. After the scene was over, Eren turned his head so that he could see the TV screen, but every time there was a jump scare or anything remotely frightening, he would nuzzle his face back into my chest. His aroma was so intoxicating, that I started to feel sleepy. I started to absentmindedly play with Eren's hair. With each stroke of my hand, I could feel him start to relax and breath normally. 

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