Chapter 6 - Future Plans

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The morning arrived the next day with a gentle tranquility that enveloped every corner. The first rays of sunlight painted the sky with shades of pink and orange, announcing the arrival of a new day, and for that city, it was a morning they had yearned for, where peace reigned and fear had vanished.

The self-proclaimed heroes of the people woke up, finding themselves disheveled and with clothes stained with alcohol. They were all leaning against a wall of a humble tavern. The atmosphere exuded a characteristic aroma of aged wood and past laughter.

As they opened their eyes and yawned, they felt the effects of the previous night reflected in their sleepy expressions. The disheveled hair and faces covered with traces of adventure and nighttime fun evidenced the stories lived during that carefree celebration.

With slow movements, the heroes stood up, dusted off the imaginary dust from their clothes, and exchanged tired yet satisfied smiles. The memories of shared laughter, clumsy dances, and enthusiastically told stories filled their minds.

The night of celebration had been a moment of relaxation and renewal, a necessary break from their struggles and challenges for their goals.

"Well, where do we go now?" Hiro said with a groggy voice.

Hikari replied, "Well, I don't know about you, but I urgently need a bath and to clean my clothes." King chimed in, saying, "Me too. After all, this smooth fur doesn't maintain itself. But of course, someone like you, Hiro, who can't even talk to a woman, probably doesn't remember to take a bath," and he let out a light laugh.

Hiro rolled his eyes, turned around, raised his hand, and said, "The last thing I need is to put up with a talking squirrel in the morning. I'll go find Arthur to ask for a means of transportation. Meanwhile, take the opportunity to wash yourselves and make sure you don't drown, tree rat."

King raised his fists and said, "Watch your words, you peasant. I am the royal guard of Princess Hikari. Do you want to have a fight?"

Hikari covered her mouth, suppressing laughter, and said, "Calm down, gentlemen. The day has only just begun. Let's go, King. See you soon, Hiro."

Hiro decides to start searching in the castle, so he headed towards it, passing through streets now filled with life. The citizens, with warm smiles on their faces, greeted him with enthusiasm. "Good morning, sir hero!" echoed the greetings along the way. The air was filled with a contagious atmosphere, revealing the joy and fun that the previous night had brought.

As he passed by the animated people, Hiro felt the warmth of the community around him. Friendly words were exchanged, and laughter filled the air. "Last night was memorable, wasn't it?" the people joked, expressing their gratitude for the hero and reliving enjoyable moments.

This newfound energy permeating the streets brought a sense of renewal and hope to the city. Hiro felt motivated by this positive atmosphere. "So this is how my father felt?" he wondered to himself. "Father, wherever you are, I will find you and bring you back," Hiro thought as his eyes shimmered with intense determination, reflecting the courage that propelled him in his relentless quest. Furrowed eyebrows expressed fierce concentration, while lines of determination marked his face.

However, Hiro arrived at the castle without even realizing it and asked the guard standing there at the castle's entrance, "Is King Arthur here?"

The guard was perplexed as his eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed, and he said, "The future King? But wasn't he with you?" He continued, saying, "The last time I saw him was yesterday at the tavern where you all were."

Hiro, even more astonished than the guard, said, "Are you serious? To be honest, I don't remember much, and the more I try to remember, the more pain I feel in my head..."

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