Chapter 24 - The Demon King

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As the battle raged around them, Hikari, Ace, Hiro, Draco, and Arthur kept their eyes vigilant, searching for openings in the fight that would allow them to advance toward the castle. With each step, they faced the rising tide of Signs of Light soldiers, realizing that their allied army was no match for the overwhelming strength of the enemy.

However, a heroic act took shape as they pressed forward: Draco and Arthur, recognizing the imminent need to halt the enemy's advance, decided to stay behind and confront the growing ranks of the Signs of Light. Locking eyes with their determined friends, Hiro, Hikari, and Ace understood the sacrifice that Arthur and Draco were willing to make.

"GO! DRACO AND I WILL HOLD THEM HERE!" Arthur's words resonated with fervor, echoing across the battlefield. Without hesitation, Hiro, Hikari, and Ace nodded, moving forward with courage fueled by their companions' determination. As they distanced themselves, a radiant explosion of light burst forth from the spot they had left behind.

Intrigued, Hiro looked to Hikari, seeking understanding. "What is that?!" Hikari responded with a mix of emotion and hope, "If it's what I think... we might be safe! That light, it can only be the legendary 'Excalibur'."

Hiro, still perplexed, tried to piece things together. "But isn't that the name of the city?" Hikari smiled with a certain emotion, "Yes, it is. However, ancient legends stated that this sword was under the city's protection, to be used only in times of dire need for the world. And in our current context, there's no moment more critical."

An expression of gratitude crossed Hiro's face, his eyes gleaming with recognition. "Arthur! Thank you!" With the burden of hope renewed, they continued running toward the castle, their energies revitalized by the promise of imminent assistance. Hope was reborn and strengthened with every step they took, guided by the belief that together, they could challenge the shadows threatening the world.

Upon reaching the imposing doors of the castle, Hiro cast a glance over his shoulder, witnessing a scene of chaos, screams, and desolation unfolding behind them. The staggering sight ignited a fervor in Hiro's blood, a flame burning more intensely within him. Turning to Hikari with determination, he murmured, "Let's go, there's no time to waste."

Together, they pushed open the castle doors, entering the grand interior adorned with banners and sculptures bearing the emblem of the Signs of Light. However, to their surprise, the vastness of the castle was eerily deserted, a sinister silence filling the air. Without hesitation, they pressed forward, guided by unwavering determination, until they reached the imposing throne room.

As they entered the majestic chamber, their gazes fixed on three enigmatic figures. One of them wore a white mask adorned with the emblem of the Signs of Light, while the other two were draped in long black cloaks that completely concealed their bodies. The atmosphere was charged with palpable tension, and the mere presence of these figures hinted at an imminent and grand confrontation.

The masked man spoke with an enigmatic voice, "Finally, Hiro, you have arrived..." Hiro responded with a tone of anger, "Who are you, and why are you doing this?" The masked man urged calm, "Take it easy, Hiro. I am someone you know very well, and I had no choice but to do what I did." Upon hearing these words, Hiro felt that there was no time to waste on conversation and swiftly moved forward, wielding his Skyfall sword.

As Hiro lunged at the masked man, he ordered his two soldiers to attack the other two members of the group. One of them launched a magical attack toward Hikari, while the other, wielding magical knuckles, swiftly advanced toward Ace, who was already transforming into his red form.

The masked man unsheathed his own sword and managed to block Hiro's assault, commenting with a sinister calm, "I see you've become stronger, Hiro."

As the swords clashed in an intense duel, Hiro seemed strangely familiar with the masked man's movements, as if they had danced this dangerous blade ballet many times before.

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