World was wide enough

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After lightblade was captured by captain he was immediately taken to the chambers in the compound, Coheed felt horrible he thought he led captain joe to lightblade. Coheed reaches out for lightblade not sure what to do in this situation he just watched lightblade get taken away to the compound, Coheed stands up and walks with captain. The soldiers contained lightblade with multiple chains, Coheed felt guilty as lightblade was being dragged to the chamber. He looked up at lightblade only to see his bright eyes staring back at him Coheed quickly looked back down he felt pretty shitty, after lightblade was contained in the chamber Coheed sneaked into the chamber. Coheed sat down next to lightblade's chamber hoping that he'll talk to him, "Hey.. so your an alien?" Coheed asked him, his curiosity was rising. Lightblade looked at him and nodded slowly, "Hey listen, I didn't mean for you to get captured." Coheed said with guilt in his voice, lightblade smiled at Coheed putting his hand through the gap of the chamber patting Coheeds head. Coheed felt a warm feeling it was like his creator was back from the dead, Coheed sits closer to the chamber. "Don't worry you won't be in the chamber for long, I'll help you escape!" Coheed said standing up, he smiled at lightblade. Coheed left the chamber and waited for nightfall, Coheed got up and cracked open the door enough for him to squeeze through. He walked up to the chamber looking around cautiously in case there was someone else around, Coheed grabs a hair pin and put it in the lock struggling for a bit but finally gets it open. Lightblade stands up to open the chamber door, lightblade knelt down to Coheed pulling him in for a hug! Coheed only felt this way when Chris hugged him it felt nice, Coheed hugged him back. "You have to get out of here! Come on!" Coheed led lightblade to a secret tunnel, the tunnel was small enough for an eight year old. Lightblade had to crouch down to go through the tunnel, Coheed lifted the curtain to the other side of the tunnel "you'll stay here until it's safe for you to go to the near by abandoned city." Coheed said showing lightblade his temporary home,  "this is your work? It's amazing!" Lightblade smiled, he hugged Coheed again as a thank you. Coheed smiled back at him getting down to go back through the tunnel, "I'll see you at dawn to give you food." Coheed said smiling at lightblade, Coheed ran through the tunnel back to the compound. He stopped in his tracks he saw Faint standing outside the tunnel his arms crossed, "Coheed where were you? I looked for you for fifteen minutes now!" Faint grabbed Coheeds hand and checked if he was ok, "I'm fine faint! I was just hanging out in my favorite place." Coheed sighed, he smiled at faint. This was his way of telling his friends he was fine or ok, Coheed ran back to his room waving bye to faint. Faint sighed and looked down at the tunnel, he knew Coheed was lying but didn't want to confront him. After Coheed got to his room to go to sleep he felt like something horrible was gonna happen but he ignored it and went to sleep mode. Coheed woke up from sleep mode, he saw faint his eye filled with tears and panic in voice. "Coheed! Your awake! Please quickly, it's lightblade.. they found him!" Faint cried, Coheeds eyes widen and looked out his window. He got up and grabbed his hoodie, he didn't know what was happening but he knew it was about lightblade! As he ran outside the light of the sun shined in his eyes, it was dawn and that made him panic more but he just continued to run to where he heard yelling. He finally got to the location of the yelling and screaming, Coheed pushed his way through the crowd, what he saw horrified him. Lightblade was on the floor covered in blood with multiple bruises and stab wounds. Coheed tried to run up to lightblade but Lina held him back using all of her strength to stop Coheed from getting too close to lightblade, Captain joe grabbed one of lightblades horns and held a gun up to his head "this is what happens when you help the unknown Coheed!" Captain yelled, Coheed tried to speak but he was too focused on trying to help lightblade. Captain pulled the trigger, lightblade screamed in pain. Coheed screams incoherently, distraught. Oil tears fall down his robot face, Lina let go of Coheed. Coheed ran up to lightblades limp body, lightblade looked at him and smiled "don't cry my boy." Lightblade used the last of his strength to wipe away Coheeds tears, Coheed felt guilt wash over him as lightblade breathed his last breath. Faint knelt down next to Coheed hugging him tightly, Coheed was just staring at lightblades cold dead body his eyes still filled with tears.

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